02 - Understanding Hazard and Risk (Toxicology for Chemists - Module 2)

This module is an introduction to understanding the principles of hazard and risk. The lectures are designed with a “choose your own adventure” format: you can take any slides and use them in any order to build your lecture! Using these materials, students will understand the basic concepts of hazard, exposure, and risk; be able to perform a simple chemical hazard assessment; be able to compare similarities and differences between a risk assessment and an alternative assessment; and apply alternative assessment concepts to a product. There are multiple case studies in these slides.
What’s included?
“2ABC – Understanding Hazard and Risk” (3-4 hours)
Lesson Plans:
For all lectures
Supplementary Information:
Five student assignments that correspond to lecture slides
A list of additional resources for instructors
File Size: 39 MB
This course module was authored by:
Saskia van Bergen, Washington State Department of Ecology
What’s included?
“2ABC – Understanding Hazard and Risk” (3-4 hours)
Lesson Plans:
For all lectures
Supplementary Information:
Five student assignments that correspond to lecture slides
A list of additional resources for instructors
File Size: 39 MB
This course module was authored by:
Saskia van Bergen, Washington State Department of Ecology
Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
File (PDF, PPT, image, etc)
File (PDF, PPT, image, etc)
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Some of the links need to be…
Some of the links need to be updated:
Other minor edits:
In reply to Some of the links need to be… by Saskia van Bergen
Thank you for providing this…
Thank you for providing this updated information!
In reply to Some of the links need to be… by Saskia van Bergen
Hi Saskia, just letting you…
Hi Saskia, just letting you know that the adjustments and updates have been made to the slides, and we've pushed it back to published (available in the library again). Hopefully that covers everything!