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Green Chemistry for Sustainability (GCS) Platform

  • Green Chemistry for Sustainability banner image with picture of laptop on the GCS homepage and white text on dark blue background describing it

The Green Chemistry for Sustainability (GCS) platform works in tandem with the Green Chemistry Teaching and Learning Community (GCTLC), bridging the gap between scientific discovery and educational advancement. Together, these platforms create a comprehensive approach to promoting sustainability, ensuring that innovations in green chemistry drive sustainable development and enhance educational frameworks.


Supported by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale University, with proud backing from Beyond Benign, GCS is a hub for professionals dedicated to advancing green chemistry through research, innovation, and policy discussions. It provides essential tools and resources that support progress in the field, making it an indispensable platform for researchers, industry leaders, and sustainability advocates.


The GCS and the GCTLC platforms offer a unified community for those committed to green chemistry. By engaging with both platforms, you'll contribute to a vibrant network that supports your education and research needs, while helping to shape the future of sustainable science.