The GCTLC's global community of green chemistry education practitioners, advocates and champions is dedicated to making the world a better place. Many of these individuals take on leadership roles within the GCTLC platform as well as across Beyond Benign's programs and in many other organizations such as the ACS Green Chemistry Institute. Without these leaders, the GCTLC and the green chemistry education community would not be what it is today. Check out some of their leadership roles below and learn how to get involved.
How do I get involved?
There are many ways to take on more leadership positions within the GCTLC! The flowchart below shows a few of the different roles available to community members, including peer reviewers and group and forum moderators. More experienced community members can apply to take on higher level positions, including Advisory Committee membership or even Chief Editor/Chief Moderator. More information is provided in the sections below.
Learning Object Peer Reviewers
GCTLC users can volunteer to provide their professional expertise and knowledge to help review learning objects (curriculum resources) submitted to the GCTLC's library. The GCTLC's library depends on the community's collective knowledge and guidance to help make it a world-renown resource for green chemistry education. By volunteering, users gain professional service experience that looks great on a resume or faculty tenure application and provides a chance to give back to the community.
How can I become a peer reviewer on the GCTLC?
Simple! Just fill in this short form to express your interest and an administrator will add you to the pool of reviewers. Please not that you must add your keyword expertise to your user profile before you can be added as a reviewer. This helps the Chief Editor assign newly submitted learning objects to you based on your knowledge and expertise.
Forum Moderators
The forum moderators help to support and moderate conversations within the GCTLC's forums, share insights and best practice, and monitor for posts or content that may be contrary to the GCTLC's Code of Conduct (such as spam), helping to keep the GCTLC's discussion spaces safe. You can read more about the responsibilities of moderators by referring to the Guidelines and Training for Moderators.
How can I become a Forum Moderator?
Reach out to Chief Moderator Dr. Sarah Prescott ( or to Senior Program Manager Dr. Jonathon Moir ( for more details!
GCTLC Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee for the GCTLC plays a critical leadership role in providing direction to the technical, social and intellectual development of the platform. These members help shape how the platform evolves over time and provide guidance on how to best support and nurture the over 1,000 registered users worldwide. You can read more about the charge of the Advisory Committee here or click on the profile tiles below to learn more about each Advisory Committee member.
How do I become an Advisory Committee member?
Each year, a certain number of positions become available within the Advisory Committee for new members to join. If you are interested in becoming a committee member, please reach out to Dr. Jonathon Moir ( for more information.
Chief Editor/Chief Moderator
Dr. Sarah Prescott is the GCTLC's inaugural Chief Editor and Chief Moderator for the GCTLC. As Chief Editor, Dr. Prescott oversees the submission, peer review, and publishing of all Learning Objects to the GCTLC, including managing a pool of peer reviewers (see below). She also guides and provides recommendations for the overall direction of educational content and materials on the platform, while supporting authors and GCTLC users through her weekly virtual office hours. Dr. Prescott is also the Chief Moderator, where she manages the moderation of all community spaces on the platform and provides leadership and support to the forum and group moderators. Dr. Prescott’s work in the community spaces goes a long way to ensuring the interactive aspects of the platform are inclusive, equitable, and enjoyable for all GCTLC users.
How can I become a Chief Editor or Chief Moderator?
If you're interested in learning more about what's involved in the Chief Editor and Chief Moderator roles, reach out to Sarah at any time ( or come to one of Sarah's weekly office hours to ask her questions!