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Addressing the ACS Guidelines for Bachelor's Degree Programs

The ACS Guidelines for Bachelor's Degree Programs provide the requirements for approval and certification of undergraduate programs to meet certain standards of educational experience that can help provide students with a competitive advantage in their future employment.


The guidelines are divided into multiple sections, each addressing a different aspect of a bachelor's degree program (e.g., institutional environment, faculty and staff, infrastructure, coursework, laboratory - curriculum and skills, pedagogy, etc.). Each section has three different categories within which institutions of higher learning can meet the outlined expectations: Critical Requirements (Level 1), Normal Expectations (Level 2), and Markers of Excellence (Level 3).


In the recently updated 2023 guidelines, green chemistry and sustainability have been included as required learning in coursework across these three different levels. To help support educators and chemistry departments in addressing these updated requirements, the GCTLC has assembled a series of resources and information that can fill gaps in undergraduate programs and further elevate existing green chemistry content in undergraduate classes. The resources are provided in the pages linked below based on the three categories listed, and also linked in the main menu at the top of the page. Click on each to find out more: