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07 - Environmental Fate, Persistence, and Biodegradation (Toxicology for Chemists - Module 7)

07 - Environmental Fate, Persistence, and Biodegradation (Toxicology for Chemists - Module 7)
Beyond Benign, Inc.
Yale University
Associate Research Scientist | Yale University
Vancouver Island University
Portfolio Manager for Education ACSGCI | American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute (ACS GCI)
toxicology for chemists curriculum orange cover with white text
This module contains an introduction to the concepts of fate, persistence, and biodegradation. Students will learn about: classes of molecules that persist in the environment; different types of degradation and their critical role in the environment and society; and parameters that affect biodegradation rate. Part II of this module is a full case study entirely based on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The remaining lecture slides also contain multiple in-class discussions, activities, and smaller case studies.

What’s included?

“7ABC – Environmental Fate, Persistence and Biodegradation” (3-4 hours)
Lesson Plans:
For all lectures
Supplementary Information:
Deepwater Horizon oil spill full case study (1 hour)
Materials for students to complete the case study assignment

File Size: 165 MB – this file is large, please ensure you have good internet connectivity before downloading.

This course module was authored by:
Dr. Karolina Mellor, Program Manager, Yale Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering
Dr. Predrag Petrovich, Associate Research Scientist, Yale Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering

The content of this module was reviewed by:
Dr. Alexandra Weissfloch, Professor, Vancouver Island University
Dr. David A. Laviska, Assistant Professor, Seton Hall University

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Object Type
Lecture or course slides/notes (e.g., PPT, Prezi, PDF)
Case studies
Journal articles
Introductory Undergraduate
Upper/Advanced Undergraduate
Published on
Green Chemistry Principles
Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses
Designing Safer Chemicals
U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Clean Water and Sanitation
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
-List classes of molecules that persist in the environment.
-Understand the different types of degradation and their critical role in the environment and society through several examples and case studies.
-Recognize parameters that affect biodegradation rate.
-Apply the rule of thumb to predict biodegradation potential of molecules based on their molecular structure.
-Recognize successful examples of molecular substitution that led to a biodegradable product.
Time required (if applicable)
3-4 hours

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Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
understanding the concepts and principles of environmental fate, persistence, and biodegradation of a substance is critical to predict its behavior in various matrices.
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Other notes/information
Changed title to try to get modules listed in order by number
Creative Commons License