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08 - Environmental Toxicology (Toxicology for Chemists - Module 8)

08 - Environmental Toxicology (Toxicology for Chemists - Module 8)
Beyond Benign, Inc.
Assistant Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health | University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Campus
toxicology for chemists curriculum orange cover with white text
This module serves as an introduction to the principles of environmental toxicity: air pollution, water pollution, and chemical transport and fate. Using these materials, students will learn examples of pollutants and their effects on human health and the environment through multiple case studies and in-class discussions. These lecture slides comprise mostly case studies and provide a good outlook on the chemistry through consideration of specific human experiences across the globe. Supplementary information such as activities and discussions are found within the lecture slides, not in separate documents.

What’s included?

“8A – Air Pollution” (1-2 hours)
“8B – Water Pollution” (1-2 hours)
“8C – Chemical Transport and Fate” (1-2 hours)
Lesson Plans:
For all lectures
Supplementary Information: contained within the lecture slides and lesson plan

File Size: 716 MB – this file is very large, please ensure you have good internet connectivity and time for the download to occur before downloading.

This course module was authored by:
Dr. Nesta Bortey-Sam, Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh
Samantha Totoni, MPH, University of Pittsburgh

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Object Type
Lecture or course slides/notes (e.g., PPT, Prezi, PDF)
Case studies
Introductory Undergraduate
Upper/Advanced Undergraduate
Published on
Green Chemistry Principles
Designing Safer Chemicals
Design for Degradation
U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Clean Water and Sanitation
Life Below Water
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
Air Pollution:
-Learn examples of air pollutants, their sources, and health effects
-Learn types, sources, and health effects of indoor air pollutants
-Understand the issue of household air pollution due to solid cooking fuel use

-Students should be able to define air pollution and list some examples of air pollutants
-Students should identify the sources of air pollution
-Students should be able to describe the potential hazards associated with air pollution
-Students should explain how air pollution impacts human health
-Students should understand how air pollution impacts climate change/global warming

Water Pollution:
-Understand water pollution and the factors that impact it
-Understand the impact of water pollution on health

-Students should be able to define water pollution and describe the sources of potable water
-Students should list hazardous substances found in drinking water
-Students should be able to differentiate between point and non-point sources of pollution
-Students should describe the processes involved in making water safe for human consumption

Chemical Transport and Fate:
-Understand how environmental contaminants are transported via various matrices

-Students should be able to list and explain some mechanisms of chemical transport
-Students should be able to calculate the rate at which a chemical is transported
-Students should be able to determine/calculate the rate at which a spilled chemical will move through an aquifer/groundwater
Time required (if applicable)
3.5-4 hours

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Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
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Creative Commons License