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11 - Structure-Activity Relationships (Toxicology for Chemists - Module 11)

11 - Structure-Activity Relationships (Toxicology for Chemists - Module 11)
Beyond Benign, Inc.
George Washington University
American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute (ACS GCI)
toxicology for chemists curriculum orange cover with white text
This module connects the structure of molecules to their activity in biological systems. Students will be able to: identify physicochemical properties related to ADME; identify and rationalize relationships between physiochemical properties and biological activity in different species; apply pre-screening tools for acute and chronic human and ecological endpoints based on physicochemical properties; and identify potential toxicants. Particular emphasis is placed on carbon-based toxicants and this Module aligns very closely with Module 4 – Reaction Mechanisms in Toxicology and can act as a supporting resource. Multiple in-class assignments and case studies are contained in the lecture slides for students to complete during class lectures.

What’s included?

“11A – Structure, Physicochemical Properties, and Biological Activity” (2-3 hours)
“11B – Structure, Physicochemical Properties, and Biological Activity” (2-3 hours)
Supplementary Information: contained within the lecture slides and lesson plan, in addition to:
A glossary of terms
Supplemental data on flammability
A list of resources for instructors to refer to
File Size: 10 MB

This course module was authored by:
Dr. Adelina Voutchkova-Kostal, Associate Professor, The George Washington University
Dr. Diana Ainembabzi, Postdoctoral Fellow, Indiana University School of Medicine

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Lecture or course slides/notes (e.g., PPT, Prezi, PDF)
Introductory Undergraduate
Upper/Advanced Undergraduate
Published on
Green Chemistry Principles
Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses
Designing Safer Chemicals
Design for Degradation
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
-Identify physicochemical properties that are related to ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion) and understand the underlying mechanistic rationale for their significance in predicting toxicity;
-Identify and rationalize macro relationships between physiochemical properties and biological activity in different species;
-Apply pre-screening tools for acute and chronic human and ecological endpoints based on physicochemical properties;
-Use qualitative structure-property relationships to identify potential toxicants;
Identify methods to estimate relevant physicochemical properties;
Time required (if applicable)
4 hours

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Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
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Creative Commons License