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Bryan James

Bryan James

Postdoctoral Investigator


Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


I’m Bryan James a Postdoctoral Investigator/Scholar at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution jointly appointed in the Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry and the Department of Biology working with Drs. Christopher Reddy, Collin Ward, and Mark Hahn to investigate the fate, persistence, and toxicity of plastic pollution to inform the design of next generation materials. My future research aims to engineer materials that are functional, sustainable, and benign.

In May 2021, I received my Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from the University of Florida and was an as an NIH predoctoral fellow (F31). Go Gators! My research in Dr. Josephine Allen’s lab focused on the sex-specific cell–material interactions of vascular cells for informing precision biomaterial design. I also pioneered the use of nucleic acid–collagen complex-based biomaterials for tissue engineering. I received my B.A.Sc. in materials engineering from the University of Toronto.



  1. English

Keywords Tags/Expertise

  1. Pollution
  2. Materials Science
  3. Design for Degradation
  4. Designing Safer Chemicals
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Published Articles

Early Career

Rising Star in Engineering in Health, Johns Hopkins University, Columbia University, Cornell University Departments of Biomedical Engineering (2023)

  • Competitive distinction (selected from over 200 talented postdocs, researchers and senior graduate students from across the United States) and an expense-paid trip to Cornell University for a two-day future faculty development workshop.

  • The Rising Stars in Engineering in Health Workshop aims to educate, train, and empower the next generation of leaders in academia at the intersection of engineering and the biomedical sciences

CAS Future Leader, ACS CAS Division (2023)

  • Competitive, international distinction (35 individuals from 1000s of applicants) and expense-paid trip to CAS headquarters and the ACS Fall 2023 Meeting, $1000, profile in C&EN, 3-year ACS membership, complimentary registration for the ACS Professional and Leadership Development course, and lifetime membership in the CAS Future Leaders alumni community.

PMSE Future Faculty Scholar, ACS PMSE Division (2022)

  • Competitive distinction and invited talk at the ACS Fall 2022 Meeting awarded by the American Chemical Society Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering Division.

Distinguished Young Scholars Seminar (DYSS), University of Washington Department of Chemical Engineering (2022)

  • Competitive distinction and invited seminar talk

Early Career Editorial Advisory Board, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (2022-2025)

  • Competitive, nominated three year appointment to the Early Career Editorial Advisory Board of the journal ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering.

NextProf Nexus Workshop Alumni, NextProf (2020)

  • Competitive future faculty workshop organized by UC Berkeley, Georgia Tech, and the University of Michigan. NextProf Nexus is a three-day program that is part of a nationwide effort to strengthen and diversify the next generation of academic leaders in engineering. This preeminent event is designed to give participants the opportunity to explore and prepare for a faculty position in academia.

New England Future Faculty Workshop Alumni, New England Future Faculty Workshop (2020)

  • Competitive future faculty workshop organized by Northeastern University.


Best Paper 2021-2022, ACS Environmental Au (2023)

  • Selected by the editorial advisory board of the journal as one of five best papers published in 2021-2022

Attributes of a Gator Engineer - Leadership, University of Florida Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering (2021)

  • Considered the greatest distinction of any student award given by the Herbert Werthheim College of Engineering, the Gator Engineering Attribute Awards are intended to provide an ideal guide for all members of the Gator Engineering community. The award of leadership is bestowed to the student that best exemplifies the traits of Leadership: visionary, professional, skilled communicator, engaged and committed, entrepreneurial, inspiring, fair, mission-guided, caring, willing to delegate, sound perspective, sense of humor, positive attitude, confident, strong intuition, thoughtful.

Weston Howland Jr. Postdoctoral Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (2021-2023)

  • Considered the most prestigious postdoctoral fellowship in oceanography

  • Competitive fellowship awarded by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, includes $93,375 over 18 months for salary and funds for research expenditures and professional development.

Gridley McKim-Smith Women’s Health Fellowship Award, Foundation for Women’s Wellness (2020)

  • Competitive fellowship awarded by the Foundation for Women’s Wellness to doctoral candidates pursuing research careers related to women’s health.

F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award, National Institutes of Health NHLBI (2019-2022)

  • Competitive, prestigious predoctoral fellowship awarded by the National Institutes of Health, includes $117,615 over 3 years for salary and fringe benefits. The purpose of this Kirschstein-NRSA program is to enable promising predoctoral students with potential to develop into a productive, independent research scientists, to obtain mentored research training while conducting dissertation research.

Iva and Norman Tuckett Institute for Computational Engineering Fellowship, University of Florida – Institute for Computational Engineering (2017)

  • Scholarship ($4,000) awarded by the University of Florida Institute for Computational Engineering to support incoming graduate students pursuing research related to high-performance computing.

Dow Chemical Graduate Fellowship, University of Florida (2017)

  • Scholarship ($5,000) awarded by the University of Florida to support incoming graduate students pursuing research in materials science and engineering

Graduate School Preeminence Award, University of Florida (2017)

  • Competitive predoctoral fellowship awarded by the Graduate School of the University of Florida, includes $218,130 over 5 years for salary and fringe benefits.

A. B. Platt Award, Toronto Section of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (2017)

  • Scholarship ($CAD 400) awarded by the Toronto Section of the Society of Trilogies and Lubrication Engineers to a graduating undergraduate student in the department of materials science and engineering.

U.S. Steel Canada Undergraduate Scholarship, University of Toronto (2013-2015)

  • Scholarship ($CAD 1,500) awarded by the University of Toronto to an undergraduate student in the department of materials science and engineering.


1st Place, Biomaterials Education Challenge, Society For Biomaterials (2019)

  • Annual competition organized by the Society For Biomaterials awarded at the Society’s annual meeting. Student teams will be challenged to develop an educational module for middle school (6th-8th grade) science classes. Each educational module will demonstrate fundamental biomaterials concepts, with scientific principles that are understandable to a middle school audience and designed for a 45-minute class period. The education modules should have hands-on components, should be easily incorporated to typical middle school science courses, and should have materials easily obtained with clear educational and learning objectives. Winners will be identified based on their potential for educational impact, and judges will emphasize innovation, practicality, and likelihood of widespread adoption and dissemination of the educational projects.

1st Place, Hydrogen Student Design Contest, Hydrogen Education Foundation (2018)

  • International design competition organized by the Hydrogen Education Foundation. Since 2004, the Hydrogen Student Design Contest has challenged multi-disciplinary teams of university students to apply their creativity and academic skills in the areas of design, engineering, economics, environmental science, business and marketing to the hydrogen and fuel cell industries. The winning designs are presented at the DOE Annual Merit Review and published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.


Biomaterials Day Grant, Society For Biomaterials (2020)

  • Grant awarded by the Society For Biomaterials to fund a Biomaterials Day symposium.

Office of Research Award for Meetings, Workshops and Conferences, University of Florida (2020)

  • Grant awarded by the University of Florida Research to fund meetings, workshops, and conferences at the University.

Local Section Science Café Mini-Grant, American Chemical Society – Florida Chapter (2018)

  • Grant awarded by the American Chemical Society, Florida Chapter to host Science Cafés in their communities.


Student Abstract Award, Society For Biomaterials Tissue Engineering Special Interest Group (2020)

  • Competitive award presented by the Society For Biomaterials Tissue Engineering Special Interest Group at the 2020 World Biomaterials Congress.

Bette and Paul Holloway Fund Recipient, University of Florida – Materials Science & Engineering (2019)

  • Travel award offered by the University of Florida Department of Materials Science and Engineering to support student travel to conferences.

Travel Award, University of Florida Society for Biomaterials Student Chapter (2018, 2019)

  • Travel award offered by the University of Florida Student Chapter of the Society For Biomaterials to support student travel to conferences.

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