How Ecovative are You?: Mushroom Materials Lab

Styrofoam is a popular packaging material that is non-biodegradable and takes centuries to decompose. Ecovative has developed a mushroom-based alternative that can be customized to any shape and used for packaging and insulation. Iron concentration in the mixture prevents the growth of spores, making it safe for industrial use. The project can be completed in 7 to 12 days and is split into three segments: Research Cradle-to-Cradle, Mushroom Materials Design, and Materials Testing. Resources include a TED Talk by Eben Bayer titled “Are Mushrooms the New Plastic?”
Depending on how much time you allow, this could either be done throughout a semester or completed in the lab in just 7 to 12 days.
Depending on how much time you allow, this could either be done throughout a semester or completed in the lab in just 7 to 12 days.
Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
Ecovative material, when handled properly, is safe. The material is not for human consumption and when dry, may irritate airways if directly inhaled. Do not use flour in the mixture with individuals who have gluten allergies. Wear gloves and wash hands after use. Refer to the manufacturer safety data sheet (SDS) here:
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