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Microwave-Assisted Organic Synthesis in the Organic Teaching Lab: A Simple, Greener Wittig Reaction

Microwave-Assisted Organic Synthesis in the Organic Teaching Lab: A Simple, Greener Wittig Reaction
logo with green flask with green gem superimposed on part of flask
Microwave-assisted organic synthesis is becoming a more common laboratory practice. The advantages of using microwave-assisted synthesis include shortened reaction time, lower energy costs, and cleaner reactions. This particular experiment explores a much greener Wittig reaction that doesn't require an inert atmosphere, a strong base (i.e., butyl lithium), or even a solvent. In addition to these advantages, this experiment also uses a common domestic microwave and standard glassware.

The greener Witting reaction also provides the instructor with the opportunity to introduce their students to the concepts surrounding thin-layer chromatography, 1H NMR, mass spectrometry, and alkene stereochemistry.

Supplemental material includes a chemical list, lab procedure, lab questions, instructor notes, tips for a successful lab, and spectroscopic data.

Summary prepared for the original GEMs database September 2008 by Douglas M. Young at the University of Oregon.

Microwave-Assisted Organic Synthesis in the Organic Teaching Lab: A Simple, Greener Wittig Reaction
Eric Martin and Cynthia Kellen-Yuen
Journal of Chemical Education 2007 84 (12), 2004
DOI: 10.1021/ed084p2004

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Laboratory experiment
Journal articles
Introductory Undergraduate
Upper/Advanced Undergraduate
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Green Chemistry Principles
Waste Prevention
Atom Economy
Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses
Designing Safer Chemicals
Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries
Design for Energy Efficiency
Use of Renewable Feedstocks
Reduce Derivatives
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
See published journal article.

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Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
See published journal article