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A survey of solvent selection guides

A survey of solvent selection guides
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This published article provides an overview of the many solvent selection guides that had been published up until that point as well as a compilation of the data from the guides to allow for a ranked comparison of all solvents, allowing for a general grouping into four categories: recommended, problematic, hazardous and highly hazardous. Of the 51 solvents considered, 17 could not be unequivocally ranked in this way, leading to a discussion of the differences in criteria between the various guides.

Full citation: Prat, D.; Hayler, J.; Wells, A. A Survey of Solvent Selection Guides. Green Chemistry 2014, 16, 4546–4551.

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Journal articles
Introductory Undergraduate
Upper/Advanced Undergraduate
Graduate or Professional Training (e.g., Postdoctoral Fellows, Early-Career Professionals)
Other Faculty Educators/Teachers
Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)
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Green Chemistry Principles
Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries
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Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
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