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Systems thinking approaches for international green chemistry education

Systems thinking approaches for international green chemistry education
Professor of Green Chemistry Education | University of York
Learning Objets
This overview outlines the recent progress made in addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through educators incorporating systems thinking approaches within green and sustainable chemistry education. A blend of programme-level and course-level approaches to embedding systems thinking into teaching is discussed together with more specific resources such as practical experiments and use of technology-enhanced and game-based learning strategies. To maximise global applicability, an emphasis has been placed on making such teaching interventions transferrable with case studies included to illustrate this. There is scope remaining to build on these case studies to create a portfolio of implementable resources that can be integrated within chemistry and related programmes at all levels from school to professional training courses.

Full citation: Hurst, G. A. (2020). Systems thinking approaches for international green chemistry education. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 21, 93–97.

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Object Type
Journal articles
Introductory Undergraduate
Upper/Advanced Undergraduate
Graduate or Professional Training (e.g., Postdoctoral Fellows, Early-Career Professionals)
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Green Chemistry Principles
Not applicable
U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Quality Education
Responsible Consumption and Production
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
Common pedagogies covered
Computer-based learning
Game-based learning

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Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment