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"We Are Going To Be Rebels Together" ~ A Look Inside the Univ. of Toronto's Green Chemistry Initiative

"We Are Going To Be Rebels Together" ~ A Look Inside the Univ. of Toronto's Green Chemistry Initiative
Green Chem Essential
Title picture for this episode
For more than 10 years now, the University of Toronto's Green Chemistry Initiative has been a wonderfully creative incubator for green chemistry learning on that campus. In this episode of Green Chem Essential, with host James Rea: Hear how -- and why -- this student-led group works to engage their peers in the science of sustainability.

The interview includes discussion about their annual spring-time GCI Symposium, and a new workshop they developed with Beyond Benign to help grad students bolster their green chemistry experience and understanding. Great insights throughout for students and faculty alike!

My guests for this episode are Francisco Yarur and Eloi Grignon, grad student leaders of the Green Chemistry Initiative, and Juliana Vidal of Beyond Benign.

This episode includes 1) a 2-min preview video, 2) a 31-minute video of the full interview... and 3) a soon-to-be-released audio podcast version.

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Object Type
Videos (e.g., tutorials, presentations)
Middle School
High School (Secondary School)
Introductory Undergraduate
Upper/Advanced Undergraduate
Graduate or Professional Training (e.g., Postdoctoral Fellows, Early-Career Professionals)
Other Faculty Educators/Teachers
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Green Chemistry Principles
Not applicable
U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Partnerships for the Goals
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
I think students and faculty alike will come away with some wonderful ideas, and wonderful inspiration, from hearing how the students at the Green Chemistry Initiative create and run their green chemistry programming.
Common pedagogies covered
Collaborative/cooperative learning
Multimedia-based learning
Student-centered learning
Time required (if applicable)
31 minutes to watch the full episode ; 2 minutes to watch the preview video

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