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Add sustainable management of water to your existing lessons

Add sustainable management of water to your existing lessons
Learning Objets
This page through the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) website provides a collection of curriculum resources for high school-level students focused on the sustainable management of water. It includes a downloadable practical and simple microbiology experiment looking at the antimicrobial properties of halogens, as well as additional reading and information for putting water scarcity and management in context through examples of how water is used in different sectors and around the world.

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Object Type
Laboratory experiment
Activities/Technology (e.g., in-class activities, online games, hands-on activities/manipulatives, outreach, virtual tools, etc.)
Small resource sets
High School (Secondary School)
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Green Chemistry Principles
Not applicable
U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Clean Water and Sanitation
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
Help students connect their thinking about water with their local context.

Practical activities can help students make links between real-life contexts like Goal 6 and pure chemistry.

Use data and answer questions to practice writing longer responses involving comparisons.

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Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
See external website.