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C.-J. Li

E. B. Eddy Professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Green Chemistry

McGill University


C.-J. Li received his Ph.D. at McGill University (1992) under the direction of T. H. Chan and D. N. Harpp. He spent 1992-94 as a NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow with Barry M. Trost at Stanford University (US), and was an Assistant (1994), Associate (1998) and Full Professor (2000) at Tulane University (US). Since 2003, he has been a Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Green Chemistry and E. B. Eddy Chair Professor at McGill University. He served as the founding Co-Chair of the Canadian Green Chemistry and Engineering Network (2008-2016), the Director of CFI Infrastructure for Green Chemistry and Green Chemicals, the Director of NSERC CREATE (Center) for Green Chemistry, and the Co-Director of the FQRNT Center for Green Chemistry and Catalysis. He is the Associate Editor for Green Chemistry (RSC) (2005-2019) and Chemical Communications (2020-). He was a pioneer in using water as green solvent and developing Green Chemistry for chemical synthesis. He received a US National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award (1997), a US Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award (2001), the 2010 Canadian Green Chemistry and Engineering Award, the 2015 R. U. Lemieux Award as well as the 2018 Alfred Bader Award of the Canadian Chemical Society, the 2020 Catalysis Award and the 2022 CIC Medal of the Chemical Institute of Canada, the 2021 Alexander von Humboldt Research Award, and the 2018 Killam Research Fellow of the Canadian Council of Arts. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) (2007), the AAAS (2012), the CIC (2013), the ACS (2015), the CCS (2021), the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) (2016), and the European Academy of Sciences (2020). His work has been cited extensively (~ 60,000 times, h-index 118). Well known work including the Organometallic Reactions in Water, A3-reaction, CDC reaction, and HOME chemistry (hydrazones as organometallic equivalents).


Beyond Benign Roles

  1. GCC Champion


  1. Chinese (China)
  2. English

Keywords Tags/Expertise

  1. Green Chemistry Challenge Awards
  2. Water Chemistry
  3. Greener Solvents
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Published Articles

•    Chair of Sustainability Theme, IUPAC General Assembly and CIC Annual Meeting, Montreal 2021

•     Co-Chair, “3rd International Conference on C-H Activation”, Montreal, June 2016

•     Co-Chair, the 8th Int. Conference on Cross Coupling and Organometallics, Feb 2012, Toronto

•     Co-Chair, 5th Int. Sustainable and Green Chemistry Conference in Conjunction with the US Green Chemistry Annual Conference on Green Chemistry and Engineering, Washington D.C ., 2011.

•     Co-Chair, 3rd Int. Conf. on Green Chemistry for Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Boston, 2010.

•     Co-Chair, Green Chemistry Gordon Conference, Davidson College, 2010.

•     Scientific Committee Chair, the 3rd IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, Ottawa, 2010.

•     Co-Chair, “2nd International Symposium on Green Chemical processes for Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals”, Yale University, May 29-30, 2008.

•     Chair of International Symposium on Green Chemical processes for Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals”, October, Montreal, 2006.

•     Chair, “BioBased Biorefinery Commercial Opportunities and Synergies for the Manufacturing and Energy Sectors of Canada” Workshop, Oct. 2006.

•     Host, American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Summer School, Montreal, 2005.

•     Chair,  “US-Canada Workshop on Innovative Chemistry in Cleaner Media”, Montreal, May, 2004.


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