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Community Members

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Career Stage
Institution is...
University Of The Witwatersrand
Research Instrumentation Technician
Wilfrid Laurier University
Elizabeth Braun
Director of Educational Content and Learning
The Laboratory Safety Institute
Professor and Chair
University of Vermont
Christiana Briddell
Portfolio Manager, Green Chemistry & Sustianability Communication
American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute (ACS GCI)
Sarah Briggs
Senior Research Specialist and Program Manager- Emerging Contaminants and Green Chemistry
Rochester Institute of Technology
Giovanni Brito
PhD Student
Queen’s University, Ontario
King's College London
Deborah Bromfield Lee
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Florida Southern College
De Anza College
Canton High School
Saginaw Valley State University
University of the West Indies, Mona Campus (UWI)
Utrecht University
Université Savoie Mont Blanc
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSM)
Edward Brush
Professor of Chemistry
Bridgewater State University
Science Buddies
Non-profit organization offering free STEM resources for hands-on learning
Science Buddies
Institute Of Chemistry - Sao Paulo State University (unesp)
University of Antwerp
Hugh C. Williams High School
John Carroll University
Monmouth University
Nancy Bush
PhD Candidate - USC
University of Southern California
University of Rhode Island
Janie Butler
Education and Workforce Development Specalist
Science Done Sustainably
Kampala International University