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Fueling the Future

Fueling the Future
Chief Editor and Moderator/Associate Professor | Beyond Benign, Inc.
Learning Objets
This article is to help teachers incorporate the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 8 in teaching green chemistry. Students will apply concepts from the biofuel industry to understand developments in the production of biofuels and how they are linked to Goal 8. Students will discuss environmental and ethical issues and manufacturing processes. The fermentation experiment is used to help students think of new sustainable technologies for greener fuels.

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Object Type
Laboratory experiment
High School (Secondary School)
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Green Chemistry Principles
Design for Energy Efficiency
U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
The goal is for students to apply concepts and activities in chemistry and consider UN sustainable development Goal 8.
Common pedagogies covered
Blended learning
Context-based learning
Hands-on learning
Student-centered learning
Technology-enhanced learning
Time required (if applicable)
sustainability, fermentation, biofuels, bioethanol, ethics, bioenergy

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Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
Eye protection, flammable. See the resource for additional information.