Green Chemistry University Course: 00 - Syllabus

The Yale-UNIDO University Curriculum is a semester long course developed in collaboration with Beyond Benign. This free course is designed for undergraduate students and teaches (i) how the principles of green chemistry can help resolve global human health and environmental issues, (ii) how green chemistry functions and (iii) how it is implemented. The curriculum was developed as part of the Global Green Chemistry Initiative (GGCI), a joint initiative between the Center for Green Chemistry and Engineering at Yale and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and was funded by GEF (Global Environment Facility). The GGCI consists of six primary projects to raise awareness and provide instruction and information on green chemistry. You can find more information at
The course explores the fundamentals of chemistry, how chemistry can help address global human health and environmental issues. It provides an introduction to the foundational principles of chemistry including atoms, molecules, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, chemical/physical properties, and periodic table trends. This knowledge is then related to various environmental and human health issues, and develop the appropriate solutions using green chemistry approaches covered in the course. See attached syllabus for more details.
This course was developed and authored by:
Philip Coish
Kimberly Chapman
Paul Anastas
Seon Augusto Ferreira
Karolina Mellor
Amy Cannon
Derrick Ward
The course explores the fundamentals of chemistry, how chemistry can help address global human health and environmental issues. It provides an introduction to the foundational principles of chemistry including atoms, molecules, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, chemical/physical properties, and periodic table trends. This knowledge is then related to various environmental and human health issues, and develop the appropriate solutions using green chemistry approaches covered in the course. See attached syllabus for more details.
This course was developed and authored by:
Philip Coish
Kimberly Chapman
Paul Anastas
Seon Augusto Ferreira
Karolina Mellor
Amy Cannon
Derrick Ward
Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
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