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Green Chemistry University Course: Lecture 10 – Life Cycle Assessment

Green Chemistry University Course: Lecture 10 – Life Cycle Assessment
Beyond Benign, Inc.
Yale University
summary figure with UNIDO and GEF logos
In this lecture, students will learn about Life Cycle Assessment. The lecture covers the standard framework, theory, and real examples of Life Cycle Assessment. LCA is a complex process and the purpose of this class is to introduce them to the importance and strengths of performing Life Cycle Assessments.

This course was developed and authored by:

Philip Coish
Kimberly Chapman
Paul Anastas
Seon Augusto Ferreira
Karolina Mellor
Amy Cannon
Derrick Ward

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Lesson summaries
Introductory Undergraduate
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Green Chemistry Principles
Waste Prevention
Atom Economy
Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses
Designing Safer Chemicals
Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries
Design for Energy Efficiency
Use of Renewable Feedstocks
Reduce Derivatives
Design for Degradation
Real-Time Pollution Prevention
Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
Students will...
- Learn the value of life cycle thinking
- Define Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- Discuss Life Cycle Assessment and green chemistry
Time required (if applicable)
60 minutes

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Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment

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