Green Chemistry University Course: Lecture 17 - Working Without Solvents

In this class, students will learn about the possibilities of performing chemical transformations without the presence of an organic solvent. Students will explore alternative methodologies ranging from supercritical fluids to solventless conditions. The goal of this lecture is not only to inform students of alternative methodologies but also to provide real examples of how these approaches are used today.
This course was developed and authored by:
Philip Coish
Kimberly Chapman
Paul Anastas
Seon Augusto Ferreira
Karolina Mellor
Amy Cannon
Derrick Ward
This course was developed and authored by:
Philip Coish
Kimberly Chapman
Paul Anastas
Seon Augusto Ferreira
Karolina Mellor
Amy Cannon
Derrick Ward
Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.