Green Chemistry University Course: Lecture 22 – Chemical Exposure and Dosage

In this lecture, students learn components of risk – hazard and exposure and how green chemistry aims to minimize hazard, which ultimately leads to minimizing the risk. This lecture also defines the concept of dose and how toxicity testing is currently done through dose-response curves. A small class activity on the dose-response curve for solvents allows students to use their newly learned knowledge on dose-response in practice and a quiz at the end summarizes the key concepts covered during this class period.
This course was developed and authored by:
Philip Coish
Kimberly Chapman
Paul Anastas
Seon Augusto Ferreira
Karolina Mellor
Amy Cannon
Derrick Ward
This course was developed and authored by:
Philip Coish
Kimberly Chapman
Paul Anastas
Seon Augusto Ferreira
Karolina Mellor
Amy Cannon
Derrick Ward
Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
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