This collection contains the Beyond Benign Guide to Green Chemistry Experiments for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Labs in addition to the Primer for the Guide - Green Chemistry: Principles and Lab Practices resource. These guides together serve as a resource for both learning how to create greener undergraduate organic chemistry laboratory experiments, and seeing examples of greener experiments that you can adapt and implement in your own course.
Greener Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Labs
Primary tabs
A Guide To Green Chemistry Experiments for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Labs
Beyond Benign, My Green Lab, and MilliporeSigma have teamed up to develop a comprehensive teaching guide for undergraduate labs featuring Green Chemistry alternatives to traditional organic chemistry experiments and Green Chemistry lab practices*.
The purpose of this guide is to provide examples of green chemistry experiments that may serve as substitutions for classic undergraduate organic ...
Primer for the Guide - Green Chemistry: Principles and Lab Practices
This resource has been developed through a collaboration of Beyond Benign, MilliporeSigma, My Green Lab, and a network of chemistry faculty. Green Chemistry: Principles and Lab Practices is an introductory primer for the Guide to Green Chemistry Experiments for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Labs*, and contains a variety of resources, tools, and references for practicing green chemistry in ...