Gulmira Abyzbekova
professor Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda university, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Institute: Natural Sciences
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Academic title: Acting Associate Professor
Position: Professor of the Department "Biology, Geography and Chemistry", Head of the REC of Chemical and Biological Research named after T. D. Kuanyshbayev
In 1992, he graduated from the Kyzylorda Humanitarian University.Korkyt Ata, specialty "Chemistry and Biology".
Scientific research of Abyzbekova G. M. is aimed at studying the problems of continuous chemical education in higher and secondary schools, applied research in the direction of "Green Chemistry", chemical and environmental problems of the region.
Author of more than 100 scientific articles and educational and methodological works, including 12 educational and methodological manuals, 4 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Author of 6 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals with a high impact factor, the H-index is 6.
Member of the Council of the Institute of Natural Sciences, head of the Scientific and Educational Center for Chemical Chemical and Biological Research named after T. D. Kuanyshbayev
Labor is marked:
- Winner of the state grant "The best university teacher" in 2008, 2021.
- Scholarship holder of the international program "Bolashak", 2009
- A medal in honor of the 75th anniversary KSU. Korkyt ATA for the significant contribution to the development of the University (2012)
- Letter of appreciation from the rector of the University (in 2001, 2003,2021г.);
- Letter of appreciation from akim of the Kyzylorda region (2007, 2019);
- Letter of thanks of the head of the Syrdarya regional Department of education (2008,2019).
- Letter of thanks from the branch of the Turan of the party "Nur Otan" (2016);
- Gold medal named after "Korkyt Ata", 2017
- Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019
- Winner of the medal " The best teacher of KU im.Korkyt ata", 2021
Email address:,
- Russian
Ongoing Projects
Since 2015, the course "Introduction to Green Chemistry" has been introduced into the undergraduate educational program "chemistry" of the pedagogical direction. To date, the course" Green Chemical Education "has begun to be taught in the master's educational program" chemistry", the course" application of Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development "in the doctoral educational program" chemistry". On the basis of the department there is a circle "Green Chemistry". The Faculty of the department is engaged in the development, integration of the methodology of teaching the principles of "Green Chemistry" in the course of high school chemistry, the involvement of students and schoolchildren in the development of research work in the direction of green chemistry, the creation of scientific projects.
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Published Articles
Abyzbekova Gulmira Minbaevna
• Function: Professor lecturer, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Scientific and Educational Center for Chemical and Biological Research named after T. D. Kuanyshbayev
1992-1993. Shieli district Department of Education, teacher of chemistry, geography of school No. 244 Kyzylorda region, Shieli village;
1993 methodologist of the methodical office of the Shieli district Department of Education, the village of Shieli, Kyzylorda region;
1993-1994 Postgraduate student of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute;
1994-1997 Postgraduate student of the Chemical Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University;
1997-1999 Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry at the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University for the Humanities;
1999-2003 Senior lecturer of the Department of "Chemistry and Technology of Canning" of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University;
2000-2002 Deputy Dean, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University;
2003 Academic Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University
2003-2005 Senior Researcher at Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University;
2005-2006 Academic Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University;
2006-2010 Head of the Department "Chemistry and Chemical Technology, then "Chemistry and Methods of Teaching Chemistry" of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University;
2010-2014 Academic Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Methods of Teaching Chemistry, then Chemistry and Ecology of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University;
2014 - present, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Ecology of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, then the Department of Biology, Geography and Chemistry ;
2019 - Head of the D. Kuanyshbayev Scientific and Educational Center for Chemical and Biological Research.
- N. V. Gogol Pedagogical Institute. Student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, specialty "Biology and Additional Chemistry " (1987-1992 );
- Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute named after Korkyt Ata. Postgraduate studies (1993 – 1994);
- Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Chemistry. Postgraduate studies (1994-1997);
- Creation of green products based on green chemical research;
- Continuous green chemical Education, Pedagogy of green chemistry;
- Actual problems of continuous chemical and pedagogical education;
- Chemical and environmental problems of the small island zone;
More detailed
Training manuals
1. Free radical processes in oil refining and petrochemistry // textbook. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2004. -75 p. / H. A. Suerbaev, with A. K. Kokanbaev.
2. Important sources of information on organic chemistry. Fundamentals of the nomenclature of organic compounds / / textbook. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2004.-97 with / H. A. Suerbaev, with A. K. Kokanbaev.
3. Hydroesterification of olefins with carbon monoxides and alcohols in the presence of homogeneous metal-complex catalysts (special workshop) // Almaty: Kazakh University, 2005. -50 p. / With H. A. Suerbaev, K. M. Shalmagam-Betov, T. M. Seilkhanov.
4. Hydroesterification of olefins with metal monoxide and alcohols in the use of homogeneous metal-complex catalysts (Special workshop): method. stipend. // Almaty: Kazakh University, 2005. -50 P. / Co-authors: Suerbaev H. A., Shalmagambetov K. M., Seilkhanov T. M.
5. Carboxylation of oxyarenes with alkaline salts of alkyl carbon acids (special workshop): methodical manual. // Almaty: Kazakh University, 2005.-34 p. / With H. A. Suerbaev, K. M. Shalmagambetov, T. M. Seilkhanov.
6. Oil and gas production and transportation: a textbook. // Almaty: Kazakh University, 2005. -212 p. / H. A. Suerbaev, with A. K. Kokanbaev.
7. Thermal processes of oil refining: a textbook. // Almaty: Kazakh University, -78 P. / Co-author: Suerbaev H. A., Nasirov R. N.
8. Important petroleum products. Description, application and production: textbook // Almaty: Kazakh University, 2006. – p. 92 / together with H. A. Suerbaev.
9. Carboxylation of oxyarenes with alkaline salts of alkyl carbonic acids (Special workshop): methodical manual // Almaty: Kazakh University, 2006 - 34 P. / Co-author: Suerbaev H. A., Shalmagambetov K. M., Seilkhanov T. M.
10. Thermal processes of oil refining: a textbook. // Almaty: Kazakh University, 2006. - 86 p. / With H. A. Suerbaev.
1. Development and implementation of the innovative educational environment "Green Chemistry for sustainable development" in the "school-university" system;
2. Development of context-oriented courses of continuing chemical education and research of its effectiveness;
3. Obtaining new functional products by mechanochemical processing of plant raw materials and studying their effectiveness.
1. In 1998, at the dissertation Council of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, under the leadership of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Hakim Abdrakhimovich Suerbaev, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Medicinal provision of ethyl ether of α-bromisovaleric acid and the drug Corvalol-K. New conditions of receipt".
2. 2009 International scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak", Japan scientific internship (22.01-18.03.09);
3. 2009. winner of the 2008 state grant "The best university teacher";
4. 2009 visit to the International exhibition "Chemistry-2009" in Moscow;
5. On 5.2015, she completed an internship on improving education at the Academy of International Management and Technology in Germany (Dusseldorf, Koblenz, Cologne. (25.11-04.12.2015).
6. "Actual problems of training future chemistry teachers in conditions of updated education." Kyzylorda, 11-12. 04.2018 KU named after Korkyt Ata
7. Training seminar on Clarivate Analytics resources for scientific research. Kyzylorda, 02/11/2020 KU named after Korkyt Ata
8. Course "Application of innovative educational technologies in distance education". Pavlodar, 07/24/2020 - 06/08/2020 Pavlodar State University Institute of Distance Education.. 72 hours. Certificate No. 2498
9. Course "actual problems of modern chemistry". Pavlodar, 05.05.2020. -16.05.2020 Pavlodar Pedagogical University. Institute of Additional Education. 72 hours. Certificate No. 2885
10. "Digital transformation of education". Kyzylorda, 08/17/2020. -19/08/2020. Korkyt Ata KU, 36 hours, Certificate No.033;
11. On amendments to the State Register of Rights to Copyrighted Objects. Dated 12/20/2021, No. 22472
12. Course "Modern trends in the development of chemical education". Almaty, 15-26.02.2021. Women's Pedagogical University of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 72 hours. Certificate registration number no. C2561
13. New architectonics of academic programs of the Innovative and entrepreneurial University. Nur-Sultan, 04/19/2021.- 30.04.2021. National Academy of Teachers. 78 hours. Certificate No. 1000
Recent Activity
- Gulmira Abyzbekova registered.