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The Student Who Inspired the Professor Who Inspired the World

The Student Who Inspired the Professor Who Inspired the World
Green Chem Essential
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In this episode of Green Chem Essential, with host James Rea:

In 2003, Gordon College sophomore Laura Ouillette was assigned a research paper by her chemistry professor Irv Levy. Laura wanted her topic to reflect her interest in the environment, and so she chose to write her paper about research in Green Chemistry. Irv was highly skeptical... doubtful at the time that this was an area of "real" chemistry.

But Laura's belief in the topic and the research she found turned Irv around. He quickly "saw the light" and soon became an active and outspoken proponent of Green Chemistry.

Twenty-plus years later, Irv is still advocating for green chemistry research and education. Hear the incredible story about how this all happened.

This episode includes 1) a 3-minute preview video, 2) a 55-minute video of the full interview... and 3) a soon-to-be-released audio podcast version.

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Green Chemistry Principles
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U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Quality Education
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
I hope this episode will inspire students and teachers alike.

It showcases the power that students can have to shape not just their learning environment but the world around them. It also shows how even experienced professors can change their ways when needed.

It highlights one student's passion for green chemistry and details how that passion converted a skeptical professor into an energetic green chemistry advocate.
Common pedagogies covered
Multimedia-based learning
Student-centered learning
Time required (if applicable)
55 minutes to watch the full episode ; 3 minutes to watch the highlights video

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