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Values Are More Than Statements: Connecting Actions to Values to Build Inclusive Cultures in Chemistry Research Groups

Values Are More Than Statements: Connecting Actions to Values to Build Inclusive Cultures in Chemistry Research Groups
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EmmaLee Pallai, Mikaila C. Hoffman, and Gabriela S. Schlau-Cohen (2024). "Values Are More Than Statements: Connecting Actions to Values to Build Inclusive Cultures in Chemistry Research Groups." Journal of Chemical Education Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.4c00600

Abstract: A diverse scientific community is a strong scientific community. Innovation and progress require varied perspectives. However, achieving and sustaining such a community requires intentionally constructing a more inclusive and equitable space. Inclusive practices for the chemistry classroom exist, but fewer tools are available to support graduate students as they transition from a student identity to a chemist. These tools must reflect and support the diverse needs of scientists as complex individuals at all levels. Here, we present a workshop series that integrates practice and theory across disciplines to provide tools to collaboratively create a shared understanding of values explicitly defined through concrete actions. Defining values and connecting them to actions within a research group can foster an open and inclusive environment, improving the sense of belonging and the performance of all.

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Journal articles
Graduate or Professional Training (e.g., Postdoctoral Fellows, Early-Career Professionals)
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This Research Group Culture and Values workshop is designed for academic research institutions and is adaptable to other team structures. It involves a three-part series that guides groups from identifying group members’ individual values, to agreeing upon collective group values, then to defining concrete actions to enact these values.

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