Event Description
We at the GCI are proud to announce our 10th annual GCI Symposium, organized in partnership with Green Chemistry McGill and Queen's University (Q-ACS)!
As a result of this great milestone, this symposium, titled 10 Years of The GCI Symposium: Thinking Green(er) in Daily Life, will celebrate all that we have been able to achieve in green chemistry, while thinking about how to broaden the scope of green chemistry to outside of the lab: in career, education, and society. This symposium is designed to connect students, post-doctoral fellows and faculty members interested in Green Chemistry with current leaders in the field to discuss advances in chemical processes and the future of sustainable research practices.
This symposium is a two and a half-day event, from May 7th - 9th, 2025. All events will be held at the University of Toronto – St. George Campus.
Important Dates
December 6th, 2024 - Registration opens
April 4th, 2025 - Early bird registration closes at 11:59 pm EDT
April 25th, 2025 - Regular registration closes at 11:59 pm EDT
April 16th, 2025 - Poster abstract submission closes at 11:59 pm EDT
Poster Abstract Submission & Travel Scholarship Application
We encourage all our attendees to submit a poster abstract for our poster networking session, taking place in the evening of Thursday, May 8th. Abstracts are limited to 200 words. Please note that posters do not require the inclusion/mention of Green Chemistry elements or aspects. However, all presenters are invited to look for opportunities to talk about Green Chemistry within the context of their research. Posters from previous conferences are welcome! Please make sure to submit your abstracts early, as they will be evaluated on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Additionally, we will be providing travel scholarships to alleviate some costs. The amount awarded is on a need-basis. Applications for the travel scholarship can be found on the second page of the poster abstract submission form.
80 St. George Street
Lash Miller Chemical Labs
Toronto ON M5S3H6