Tackle poverty in chemistry lessons

This article summarizes ideas of activities to help you energize your students to tackle poverty using their chemistry learning.
The significant role that chemistry plays in the battle to end global poverty is related to the potential to mediate the harmful effects of poverty. This resource highlights three key reasons we need to get comfortable talking about poverty in chemistry classrooms:
1. Chemical research and innovation can be a tool for ending global poverty;
2. Chemistry qualifications are instrumental in reducing inequality; and,
3. Chemistry has contributed to global poverty in ways that should be critically examined.
Consequently, activities to explore the links between the content your students are learning and the challenges faced by those living in poverty will empower them to leverage their chemical knowledge in meaningful and potentially transformational ways and/or encourage them to study chemistry as part of their pursuit and advocacy for local and global distributive justice.
Education in Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry
Ideas/Tackle poverty in chemistry lessons
By Emily Rose Seeber
29 September 2021
The significant role that chemistry plays in the battle to end global poverty is related to the potential to mediate the harmful effects of poverty. This resource highlights three key reasons we need to get comfortable talking about poverty in chemistry classrooms:
1. Chemical research and innovation can be a tool for ending global poverty;
2. Chemistry qualifications are instrumental in reducing inequality; and,
3. Chemistry has contributed to global poverty in ways that should be critically examined.
Consequently, activities to explore the links between the content your students are learning and the challenges faced by those living in poverty will empower them to leverage their chemical knowledge in meaningful and potentially transformational ways and/or encourage them to study chemistry as part of their pursuit and advocacy for local and global distributive justice.
Education in Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry
Ideas/Tackle poverty in chemistry lessons
By Emily Rose Seeber
29 September 2021
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Sometimes students and…
Sometimes students and chemistry teachers can struggle to find links between chemistry and societal issues such as poverty. For these reasons, it is important to discuss in the chemistry classroom the UN sustainable development goal 1: end poverty in all its forms everywhere, by reflecting on the role that chemistry can play in tackling poverty globally.