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Green Chemistry and Toxicology Moments - slide set part A

Green Chemistry and Toxicology Moments - slide set part A
Vancouver Island University
Learning Objets
The Green Chemistry and Toxicology Moment slides (slide set part A) are standalone slides that can be easily and seamlessly inserted into general chemistry and/or organic chemistry lectures. Most of the topics just have one slide but a few have two slides. There is a wide range of topics; from Vaping and Lung Injury to Safer Epoxidations. These slides are meant to engage the students, integrate green chemistry and toxicology concepts into the classroom, Take up a minimum of classroom time, and reinforce fundamental chemistry course content. Each slide is accompanied by questions/discussion points, speaker Notes, and a list of lecture topics that may match the slide content. The slide were created by Dr. Alexandra Weissfloch with the help of an undergraduate student, Ashley Holland.

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Object Type
Lecture or course slides/notes (e.g., PPT, Prezi, PDF)
Case studies
Introductory Undergraduate
Upper/Advanced Undergraduate
Published on
Green Chemistry Principles
Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses
Designing Safer Chemicals
Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries
Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
Students will learn that there are greener and less hazardous choices and will gain an understanding of the mechanisms behind the toxicity of certain chemicals.
Common pedagogies covered
Multimedia-based learning
Problem-based learning
Student-centered learning
Time required (if applicable)
3-10 minutes

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Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
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Creative Commons License