Lemonade Lab - Introduction to Green Chemistry Principles

This lesson is for use as part of an introduction to high school chemistry lab. Teachers need to have information on the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry and how to use them to evaluate a lab procedure. They are attached in the appendix to this lab activity. This lesson will be set up as both an at home (remote learning) and in class lab activity taking into account social distancing.
This resource is an adaptation of the Beyond Benign resource linked in Related Learning Objects below.
This resource is an adaptation of the Beyond Benign resource linked in Related Learning Objects below.
Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
Safety Information: If in the classroom, students will be required to wear their safety glasses as we make this a requirement for all labs no matter what we are using. None of the lab materials used are hazardous.
Related Learning Objects
File (PDF, PPT, image, etc)
File (PDF, PPT, image, etc)