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Green Chemistry Starter Pack: Safer Labs in the Classroom

Green Chemistry Starter Pack: Safer Labs in the Classroom
Beyond Benign, Inc.
Learning Objets
This resource provides an overview of several resources with links to green chemistry starter labs for K-12 classes. Additional links are provided for green chemistry background information and teacher stories.

The goal of green chemistry is to be benign by design, and reduce or eliminate the hazards involved in processes and products. In the lab it’s important to be conscious of the materials and processes we use in order to keep ourselves and the environment safe. Materials can be made safer, more cost effective and higher performing using green chemistry. The hope is that one day the entire field of chemistry will be viewed through the lens of green chemistry, and its principles and practices will be so deeply ingrained that we will no longer need to use the term “green chemistry.”

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Object Type — Other
Summary of Resources with Links
High School (Secondary School)
Introductory Undergraduate
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Green Chemistry Principles
Waste Prevention
Atom Economy
Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses
Designing Safer Chemicals
Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries
Design for Energy Efficiency
Use of Renewable Feedstocks
Reduce Derivatives
Design for Degradation
Real-Time Pollution Prevention
Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
Common pedagogies covered
Hands-on learning

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Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
See individual linked resources within document

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