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Green Chem Essential - Video & Podcast Series

Welcome to Green Chem Essential, a video and podcast series created to illuminate activities throughout the world of green chemistry, sustainable chemistry, and green engineering.

I hope that you & your audiences will enjoy meeting these experts, and that you'll find their work to be as inspiring as I have.

- James Rea (Creator & Host)

"It's Our Future to Decide" - How a Student & Two Professors Got Green Chemistry into the Curriculum at the Univ. of Colorado


In this episode of Green Chem Essential, with host James Rea: Learn how – and why — a motivated student and two professors at CU Boulder successfully worked to get green chemistry into the curriculum at their school.

Guests in this episode include; Brinn McDowell, Dr. Kathryn Ramirez Aguilar and Dr. Matthew E Wise

Videos (e.g., tutorials, presentations)

"We Are Going To Be Rebels Together" ~ A Look Inside the Univ. of Toronto's Green Chemistry Initiative


For more than 10 years now, the University of Toronto's Green Chemistry Initiative has been a wonderfully creative incubator for green chemistry learning on that campus. In this episode of Green Chem Essential, with host James Rea: Hear how -- and why -- this student-led group works to engage their peers in the science of sustainability.

The interview includes discussion about their annual spring ...

Videos (e.g., tutorials, presentations)

An Innovation Studio Leans into the Power of Green Chemistry


Schoolab is an innovation studio that pairs student teams with corporate partners to solve real-world business & design challenges. In the US, they run a program at the University of California Berkeley called "Deplastify the Planet."

Recently it became clear that the sustainable design solutions they were trying to create would benefit tremendously from taking their design thinking all the ...

Videos (e.g., tutorials, presentations)

Finding New Ways to Store & Transport Hydrogen in Support of Renewable Energy


Hydrogen holds tremendous promise as a medium for storing energy generated by renewable sources such as wind and solar. However, storing hydrogen has traditionally involved very high pressures or very cold temperatures, methods that lead to cost and safety challenges.

In this episode of Green Chem Essential, with host James Rea, Dr. Tom Autrey and his fellow researchers at Pacific Northwest ...

Videos (e.g., tutorials, presentations)

How Green Chemistry Can Help Advance Environmental Justice


Hear how advances in green chemistry can help address environmental justice challenges and how engaging with affected communities can help green chemistry experts more effectively target their solutions.

My guest is Sederra Ross of the American Chemical Society's Green Chemistry Institute.

This episode includes 1) a 2-minute preview video, 2) a 45-minute video of the full interview... and 3) ...

Videos (e.g., tutorials, presentations)

Students Learn Green Chemistry by Taking On Real-World Sustainability Challenges


In this episode, Professor Glenn Hurst takes his students at the University of York out into the world so they can see firsthand how their training in chemistry and chemical engineering can be channeled to help tackle sustainability challenges.

Along the way, the students learn the value of community engagement and evaluate their green chemistry and green engineering solutions in the context of ...

Case studies, Videos (e.g., tutorials, presentations)

The Student Who Inspired the Professor Who Inspired the World


In this episode of Green Chem Essential, with host James Rea:

In 2003, Gordon College sophomore Laura Ouillette was assigned a research paper by her chemistry professor Irv Levy. Laura wanted her topic to reflect her interest in the environment, and so she chose to write her paper about research in Green Chemistry. Irv was highly skeptical... doubtful at the time that this was an area of "real" ...

Videos (e.g., tutorials, presentations)

Using AI & Machine Learning to Accelerate Sustainable Innovation


If we are to meet the demands of sustainability and climate change in the time needed, green chemistry advancements will have to happen faster than traditional methods of discovery can often make possible.

In this episode of Green Chem Essential, with host James Rea, Dr. Alexi Lapkin and his fellow researchers describe how they are trying to use the combined power of machine learning & ...

Videos (e.g., tutorials, presentations)

Using Green Chemistry to Create a More Sustainable Pharmaceutical Industry


The medicines we rely on may look tiny when we hold them in our hands, but the manufacturing processes that create those medicines happen at a very large scale. Anything that makes those processes cleaner, safer, and more efficient can have a tremendous impact on efforts to fight climate change and create a more sustainable future.

Hear how green chemistry is helping to make those changes ...

Videos (e.g., tutorials, presentations)

You're Invited to Access a Community of Green Chemistry Experts


Whether you're new to the world of green chemistry education and research or a seasoned veteran, the Green Chemistry Teaching and Learning Community (GCTLC) offers a terrific chance to connect with others in the field and access a tremendous collection of valuable resources.

The mission of this online community portal is summed up by the four main content categories: Learn, Share, Connect, Grow ...

Videos (e.g., tutorials, presentations)