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Plate to Planet Extension - Elephant Toothpaste

Plate to Planet Extension - Elephant Toothpaste
Beyond Benign, Inc.
Teacher | Bretton Woods Elementary School
Professor | Bridgewater State University
plate to planet cover image
* This is an extension activity to the Plate to Planet Unit. This is an experiment/demonstration that is great for teaching about catalysts. The demonstration will show a chemical reaction in which a catalyst (yeast) is added to hydrogen peroxide to create a foam that looks like a giant squirt of toothpaste that could be used on an elephant!

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Activities/Technology (e.g., in-class activities, online games, hands-on activities/manipulatives, outreach, virtual tools, etc.)
Elementary School
Middle School
High School (Secondary School)
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Green Chemistry Principles
NGSS Standards, if applicable
Matter of any type can be subdivided into particles that are too small to see, but even then, the matter still exists and can be detected by other means.
The total amount of matter is conserved when it changes form, even in transitions in which it seems to vanish.
Measurements of a variety of properties can be used to identify materials.
When two or more different substances are mixed, a new substance with different properties may be formed.
Learning Goals/Student Objectives
Students will…
● Make predictions about what they think will happen
● Review safety procedures
● Observe a chemical reaction using a catalyst
● Observe an exothermic reaction
● Develop a plan to further investigate this reaction
Common pedagogies covered
Context-based learning
Problem-based learning
Student-centered learning
Time required (if applicable)
30 minutes

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Safety Precautions, Hazards, and Risk Assessment
Follow standard classroom safety protocol. The use of safety goggles and gloves is recommended.
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