On April 30th, 2024, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) finalized a ban on most uses of methylene chloride (dichloromethane, or DCM). With this ban in effect, many researchers, educators and teachers will be looking to phase out the use of DCM in their labs and find appropriate substitutes.
Through a collaboration with the Laboratory Safety Institute, Beyond Benign co-organized a webinar in September 2024 to help researchers and educators explore greener substitutes for DCM and better understand how this ban affects them. As part of this effort, this collection provides a space for resources that highlight DCM substitutes and how they may best be implemented. GCTLC users are of course welcome to contribute to this collection at any time by submitting original work, links to journal articles, links to solvent selection guides, and other content to help educators identify alternatives to DCM and their use and implementation. If you have any questions or need help in the submission process, please reach out to the Chief Editor (chief_editor@gctlc.org) for support.