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Program Evaluation for Sustainability and Sustainability-Related Programs: A Program Director’s Cohort

Event Date
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Event Description

Are you a program director for a sustainability or sustainability-related degree program? Is your five-year curriculum review looming… and maybe that process isnʻt working for you?  We know that sustainability degrees are different: interdisciplinary, community-engaged, career-oriented, justice-focused, and integrating climate literacy and resilience in the rapidly changing field of sustainability education.


In AY 2024-2025, AASHE will host a cohort of program directors who will work together to evaluate and update their sustainability programs using new program standards collaboratively developed by scores of stakeholders in the sustainability education community. This peer cohort will pilot program learning outcomes integrating the key competencies in sustainability framework, and the best practices that support them. Participants will complete their own program evaluation while working with other directors to further develop dynamic, context-sensitive guidance for the field. This work was developed by the pathways towards accreditation initiative and the Sustainability Education Community of Practice at the Global Council for Science and the Environment (GCSE). 


The Program Directors Cohort will be facilitated by Krista Hiser, convener of the Sustainability Education Accreditation Commission and will include additional guest facilitators and experts.

Event Format
Event Address

United States

Careers at the Cross-Section of Toxicology and Sustainability: A Panel Discussion

A green info graphic shows three smiling people, in order from top to bottom their names are: Kaley Beins MPH, Shoba Iyer PhD, and Britt McAtee PhD DABT. Large white text reads: Join our career webinar, Monday October 7th at 12pm-1pm ET. the event description follows, which can accessed in full further down the page.
Event Date
Event Type
Additional Host Organizations
Sustainable Chemicals through Contemporary Toxicology

Event Description

Hosted by: The SOT Sustainable Chemicals through Contemporary Toxicology Specialty Section, the Graduate Student Leadership Committee, and the Postdoctoral Assembly


Want to make a difference in the world by utilizing your toxicology skills and knowledge? Join our upcoming webinar for graduate students and postdocs interested in learning more about nonacademic toxicology career paths related to sustainable chemicals. A diverse panel of toxicologists will share their unique career paths including former and current roles, followed by a panel discussion—bring your questions! Distinguished panelists for this event from industry, nongovernmental organizations, and government backgrounds will provide insight into nonacademic careers utilizing the toxicologist skillset while also supporting sustainability. Don’t miss this enlightening session and discover where a career in sustainability can take you! 



• Kaley Beins, MPH, Senior Scientist, Environmental Working Group 

• Shoba Iyer, PhD, Toxicologist, San Francisco Department of the Environment 

• Britt McAtee, PhD, DABT, Global Manager, Toxicology, PPG Industries

Event Format
Event Address

United States

Intended Audience
Keyword Tags

Live Conversation with John Warner: Learning from Nature's Chemistry Live Conversation

A white man in a blue plaid shirt smiles, standing in front of a wall covered in vibrant green ferns. Small white text reads: ask nature, hive-- the text is punctuated by a small hexagonal pattern.
Event Date
Event Type
Additional Host Organizations
Biomimicry Institute

Event Description

The AskNature Hive Live Monthly Conversation Series continues with John Warner, a world-renowned chemist, President and CEO of the Technology Greenhouse, and a leading advocate for the development of non-toxic, sustainable materials. In this month's conversation, John will share his insights and new reflections on how biomimicry principles can revolutionize chemical design and create sustainable solutions. With numerous patents and publications to his name, John has dedicated his career to pioneering green chemistry practices that mimic nature’s processes, reducing their environmental impact and promoting human health.


Event Format
Event Address

United States

Intended Audience

Observe, Wonder, Think

Against a magenta background, two young scientists are drawn in a cartoon style, conducting experiments and surrounded by molecules and beakers. White and yellow text reads: Observe, Wonder, Think
Event Date
Event Type
Hosting Organization(s)
Beyond Benign, Inc.

Event Description

New Observe Wonder Think format for 2024-25. This year we are focusing on K-12 teacher peer collaboration. You are our best resource. There will be space for teachers to bring the resources, labs, lessons, articles that they are seeking to implement. What are the things you are learning as you implement? What challenges are you facing as you implement green chemistry in your classroom and lab? What has really worked well for you? Are there elements of your lessons/labs that you really need help with before implementation? Come and talk with your K-12 peers in the Green Chemistry Community of Practice. We are here to support, accompany, encourage and learn together. We will have speakers periodically to share what has worked in their classrooms, or to share lab safety tips. Register to attend. Only speaker sessions will be recorded, included with registration.


Esther Hines, retired chemistry teacher, ACS mentor and coach, adjunct chemistry faculty, will facilitate Observe Wonder Think monthly, third Thursdays, at alternating evening times.

The Relevance of Sustainable Laboratory Practices and Green Labs

Green Molecules stand out against a white background, in a green text bubble black text reads: The Relevance of Sustainable Laboratory Practices and Green Labs. To the right of the text is a picture of a blonde-haired, young, white man smiling, his name reads Thomas Freese, University of Groningen. The logos for IUPAC, CHEMRAWN, and Beyond Benign sit in the bottom left corner.
Event Date
Event Type
Lead Organizers
Hosting Organization(s)
Beyond Benign, Inc.
Additional Host Organizations
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, CHEMRAWN

Event Description

Join IUPAC CHEMRAWN and Beyond Benign in a webinar featuring Thomas Freese (University of Groningen, Netherlands) to discuss sustainable laboratory practices. In this event, guidelines and hands-on advice on how to make your laboratory greener at research institutions and industry will be presented, as well as examples of achieving systemic change for a sustainable future. If you have any questions in advance for Thomas, feel free to add them in below! We are looking forward to seeing you there!


GCC Signer Exclusive Event: Greener Curriculum ShowCase Series_October Workshop

White text against a turquoise, molecular patterned background, reads: Greener Curriculum Showcase Series, virtual workshops on green chemistry curriculum materials. October Session: october 11the, 11A.M. - 12:30 P.M. EDT, Introduction of a Superfund Site Case Study Workshop to Supplement the Teaching of Toxicology
Event Date
Event Type
Lead Organizers
Hosting Organization(s)
Beyond Benign, Inc.

Event Description

GCC Signer Exclusive Event

This free, virtual workshop is designed to help educators effectively adapt and implement the Superfund Site Case Study, which focuses on the historical and toxicological impact of the chemical industry and the opportunities that green chemistry provides to reduce hazards and avoid unintended consequences.

The Case Study will help instructors introduce students to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund Program, enabling them to better understand the history of the chemical industry. Additionally, the resource will delve into the toxicology associated with chemicals released into the environment, teaching students how to avoid the use of certain types of chemicals through greener innovations and green chemistry. Educators will receive guidance on creating their own resources based on Superfund sites within their regions, adding relevance for students and connecting them with their local communities.

During the session, facilitators will guide participants through the resources, offer practical strategies for adaptation and implementation, and provide opportunities for educators to share insights. The 1.5-hour virtual workshop will include group-based learning, discussions, networking opportunities, and a Q&A session.


The goals for the workshop include:

  • Educate participants on the U.S. EPA Superfund Program and its importance.
  • Guide participants on practical approaches to effectively incorporate the case study materials into their curriculum.
  • Empower participants to adapt and implement the case study resources and expand their professional network.
We hope you’ll join us for this workshop! Limited seats are available, so registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register in advance by signing up below so we can save you a spot. We'll send the Zoom link and more details closer to the event date.
Event Format
Event Address

United States

Use This Not That: Safer Substitutions for Methylene Chloride

The image shows two blue, metal canisters, one is labelled "DCM" and one is labelled "?" there is a green arrow between them pointing to the "?" the white text reads: got DCM?
Event Date
Event Type
Additional Host Organizations
Lab Safety Institute

Event Description

A beaker full of clear liquid is shown splashing.

From the Lab Safety Institute:

Join our webinar on September 27th at 11:00 AM EST to explore the latest TSCA regulations on methylene chloride and their impact on lab practices. Learn practical strategies for substituting methylene chloride in research and school labs and discover effective methods for finding safer, green chemistry alternatives with our expert partners, Beyond Benign.

More about the Lab Safety Initiative's Methylene Chloride Webinar Series:

This webinar series will focus on actionable steps to comply with the EPA TSCA final rule on methylene chloride. Walking through the hierarchy of controls, each installment will focus on a hazard control method (elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative, PPE) applicable to laboratory handling of this common reagent.

The webinar series will help participants:

  • Meet the EPA TSCA regulatory requirements
  • Provide guidance on selecting safer alternatives to methylene chloride
  • Update processes to promote safety and minimize exposure by developing exposure control plans (ECPs)
  • Offer practical strategies for managing exposure, implementing safety controls, and maintaining compliance documentation

Designed for anyone in academia or industry who uses methylene chloride, this webinar series offers essential strategies to navigate new regulatory landscapes and enhance laboratory safety culture.



Event Format
Event Address

United States

Intended Audience

Making strides in sustainable laboratories: Examples of recent initiatives

Chemistry World and RSC webinar image showing generic lab glassware and the title of the event
Event Date
Event Type
Hosting Organization(s)
Royal Society Of Chemistry

Event Description

Lab sustainability is increasingly at the forefront of decision making in science centres around the world, as evidenced by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Sustainable Labs report and the high level of interest in the RSC Sustainable Lab grants. 


In this hour-long, interactive webinar you will hear from recipients of the first round of the RSC Sustainable Labs grant whose projects seek to answer questions in topics areas including solvent choices and reuse of single use plastics. You will hear about the problems they’re trying to solve and how findings from their initial results can be actioned. By joining this webinar, you will learn how chemical scientists are looking to solve challenges faced when making more sustainable choices in the lab. You will also hear perspectives on the broader challenges in sustainable labs and efforts by the wider research community – including major funders – to drive more sustainable laboratory practices. 


The webinar will provide useful and actionable information as well as highlighting the opportunity to apply for the second round of RSC Sustainable Laboratories grants. 


The RSC will send a certificate of attendance to everyone who joins us live for the event. Please make sure you register using exactly the name you want on the certificate.


Note: this webinar will run from 3 - 4 pm British Standard Time (10 - 11 am Eastern Time).

Ask Me Anything with Dr. John Warner

cover image for ask me anything event with John Warner with green text and headshot of John
Event Date
Event Type
Hosting Organization(s)
Beyond Benign, Inc.

Event Description

Join us in the GCTLC forums for an exciting “Ask Me Anything” interview with Dr. John Warner - with you as the interviewers! From Sept. 3 to Sept. 6, post any questions for Dr. Warner in our dedicated forum space (launching soon, link will be added here when available). Dr. Warner will be on hand during this period to answer your questions (time permitting!) – we do hope you will participate. 


Find the AMA in the forums here:

Event Format
Event Address

United States

Intended Audience

Green Chemistry Connections

Dark blue text sits against a blue and green gradient background. The text reads: Green Chemistry Connections, monthly webinars for the global green chemistry community, every third wednesday.  there is a graphic of the globe justified behind the text.
Event Date
Lead Organizers
Hosting Organization(s)
Beyond Benign, Inc.

Event Description

From biomimicry to toxicology, green chemistry offers powerful solutions to some of the world’s most pressing crises. This year, we want to zero-in on the powerfully adaptable principles of green chemistry, and their role in forming connections between educators, industry, and advocates.


How? This year's speakers are a host of change makers from diverse professions— each working to apply green chemistry in unique and inventive ways. K-12 educators, higher education faculty, industry professionals, advocates, and all are welcome to join these interactive, monthly conversations.


In order to accommodate a growing global community, we are approaching connections differently this year. Still on the third Wednesday of the month, we will be rotating through three alternating times. Can't make it to a webinar, or need a reminder? Don't stress! When you register, you will have access to recordings, calendar invites, and reminders-- all sent directly to your inbox.


Please feel free to share these webinars with friends and colleagues of all disciplines and backgrounds. We know the true power of our green chemistry community is how we connect with the world— so, come connect with us!

September 2024 Webinar

Introducing our 2024-2025 Connections Organizers and Ambassadors, with Guest Speaker Dr. John Warner!

September 18th, 2024 | 12:00 - 2:00 PM EDT | Register here (LINK TBD)


Join us this September to kick off the 2024-2025 Green Chemistry Connections webinar series! At this session, you will hear from the team working to bring together this international community, attend a talk from Dr. John Warner, and of course enjoy networking in the breakout rooms with your fellow green chemistry and sustainability community members. Read more about our amazing team of organizers and ambassadors on our people page, linked here.


Event Format
Event Address

United States

Intended Audience