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Elementary Teachers

Biennial Conference on Chemistry Education (BCCE)

A wooden barrel is labelled in rugged font: Distilling Solutions for Chemical Education. Biennial Conference for Chemical Education, University of Kentucky, July 28- August 1st 2024. Lexington, KY.
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Event Description

The conference will be held on the beautiful campus of University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky in the Summer of 2024. The 28th BCCE, like all of its predecessors, is designed to provide you with opportunities for interacting with chemistry instructors of all levels in formal and informal settings. There will be a mixture of symposia, workshops, poster sessions, exhibits, and tours of chemistry research areas.


Registration for BCCE 2024 is now live. Early bird pricing is available until May 31!  The registration form includes workshops, on-campus housing options, and more.  Those who have submitted abstracts will be notified in April about their submission.


The conference will be organized around four themes - Classroom Practice and Learning Environments, Curriculum and Cognition, Assessment and Research Methods, and Professional Development - within the K-12, two-year college, and university communities.

Instructions for presenters are available.

16th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education

The logo shows a beaker with a plant growing inside with an arrow pointing to a molecule, to a book, and back to the beaker as a closed cycle. To the right, text reads ECRICE 2024, 16th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education, Nova School of Science and Technology- Campus da Caparica, Lisbon. September 05-07,2024. Chemical Education for Sustainable Development: Empowering Education Communities.
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Event Description

“Dear colleagues,

We are happy to welcome you to the ECRICE 2024, the 16 European Conference on Research in Chemical Education, to be held at NOVA School of Science and Technology, Campus da Caparica, Lisbon, September 5-7, 2024.


This conference on research in chemical education, recognised by EuChemS, is an important event to disseminate new research and developments. It is important to know how learners acquire knowledge, how to facilitate this acquisition and trigger it. It is relevant to examine different learning environments, new educational tools, and new ways in which neuroeducation, technology and artificial intelligence, can be integrated into chemical education, and promote the engagement of students in the learning process. But nowadays this is not enough. It is necessary to do this through the lens of sustainability, having in mind the 17 SDGs. Therefore, ECRICE 24’s theme is “Chemical Education for Sustainable Development: Empowering Education Communities”


The ECRICE24 Committees of this International conference invite all chemistry education researchers and teachers to come to the conference and challenge them to showcase presentations, submit abstracts, and present work, regarding new developments in Chemical Education, through the lens of sustainable goals, and participate in the ECRICE 2024 meeting.


We are looking forward to welcoming you in Lisbon.


Enjoy the conference!




Isabel Ribau, Conference Chair

A. Jorge Parola, Secretary General of the Portuguese Chemical Society

Juaquim Luís Faria, President of the Portuguese Chemical Society"

Green Chemistry & Chemical Stewardship Online Certificate Program

Event Date
Hosting Organization
University of Washington, Seattle

Event Description

This certificate program provides professionals with new tools for incorporating chemical
toxicity and human health considerations into product design, materials selections and supply chain decision-making. The courses focus on sustainability business models and green chemistry principles to prevent and reduce pollution at the source. Program participants may register for all 3 courses at one time, or register at least 2 weeks before the start of each course. During this 3-course program, you will explore:

  • Business drivers and barriers to implementing sustainable practices
  • Frameworks for incorporating chemical toxicity and human health considerations into
    product design, material selections, and supply chain decision-making
  • The 12 guiding principles of green chemistry
  • Environmental, economic, and societal benefits of green chemistry
  • Latest research and regulatory developments in the field
  • New tools for chemical design and methods for comparative chemical hazard

Courses included are detailed below:

3 required courses:

COURSE I: Sustainability, Toxicology, and Human Health 

September 25, 2023 - December 8, 2023 | Cost: $910 | CEUs: 5

Overview of fundamental principles of toxicology, human health, and material science. Participants will review their own business’ sustainability drivers and barriers while investigating the health and environmental hazards that contribute to human disease.

COURSE II: Principles of Green Chemistry 

January 2, 2024 - March 8, 2024 | Cost: $910 | CEUs: 5

Fundamental principles of green chemistry, including the human and ecological reasons for considering less toxic alternatives and the various green applications to chemical design. overview of new tools and cutting edge research for the design of 21st century chemicals that minimize hazards to health and the environment.

COURSE III: Assessment Tools for Safer Chemical Decisions 

March 25, 2024 - May 31, 2024 | Cost: $910 | CEUs: 5

Decision-making tools and methods used for comparative chemical hazard assessments. Participants will have an opportunity to use these tools through the completion of a culminating project.


More information is available through the following website:

Biomimicry Thinking: Innovation inspired by Nature's chemistry

Event Date
Lead Organizers
Hosting Organization
Biomimicry 3.8
Additional Host Organizations

Event Description

On the territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən and W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations of the Pacific Northwest, the trees are deep in conversation and negotiation via mycelial networks. The salmon return to make the stream bed fresh and cool for the next generation, while coastal nurseries provide a place to rest where old meets new and salty meets sweet.

Join us for a week to observe and explore how Nature creates the richness and complexity of life through chemistry. Adventure through the ecotones to learn the ways in which Nature operates at the molecular scale to communicate, assemble/ disassemble, purify, clean, colorize, protect, detect, repair, and a host of other functionalities that parallel those needed in commerce.  

Tune your senses through exploration, experience, and experts to understand the critical ways in which Nature’s chemistry differs from modern commercial chemistries to achieve the same functional end, and how this learning can broaden and benefit your approach to Nature-positive R&D.

The fields of chemistry and biomimicry will converge to explore the profound lessons nature offers for shaping a world characterized by high-performing chemistry strategies and materials that benefit the people and places in which they are made, used, and managed. Sip tea and watch the eelgrass sway while you practice Biomimicry Thinking with Nature’s recipes and methods.


While the content is designed with the non-chemist in mind, chemistry professionals will gain valuable insights into Nature’s life-friendly chemistry principles and hands-on training using the biomimicry research methodology.

Throughout this workshop, our world-renowned biomimicry instructors will teach participants to: 

  • Recognize the roles chemistry plays in the natural world and their relevance to the roles chemistry plays in commerce and industry,
  • Distinguish between biotic and abiotic chemistries in the natural world,
  • Discover the principles underlying Nature’s elegant and sophisticated life-friendly chemistries,
  • Understand the principles underlying Nature’s multifunctional, life-friendly chemistry-based materials,
  • Use Biomimicry Thinking tools to abstract chemistry design principles and deep patterns from specific, function-based natural strategies, and
  • Apply Biomimicry Thinking tools to solve a chemistry-related challenge.

This workshop is open to professional and university-level participants from all backgrounds and levels of experience with biomimicry. The agenda is designed for:

  • Innovators within commercial sectors touched by chemistry, such as chemicals, cosmetics, packaging, textiles, electronics, personal care, medical, and energy, who are interested in bringing Nature’s Chemistry and materials genius to their project work and innovation strategies through Biomimicry Thinking.
  • Innovators without chemistry training who are interested in gaining the knowledge that would allow them to be productive partners alongside professional chemists as they work to bring Nature’s Chemistry and materials genius to their project work and innovation strategies.
  • Sustainability champions who want to be inspired by the natural world at the molecular scale as they work to solve humanity’s toughest sustainability challenges.
  • Educators who want to bring Nature’s Chemistry and materials genius into the classroom.
  • Students enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Biomimicry program with Arizona State University interested in the Biomimicry Specialist Certification. This Immersion Workshop counts as one of two required in-person units. Learn more about the requirements for the Biomimicry Specialist Certification here.

Eastern STANYS

Image background shows a foggy forest with barren trees, pumpkins, and a large full moon. Text at the top left and right read Oct 13th, Fri 4-5PM. Center text reads: Eastern Stanys: Are you Fall Conference Ready? Keynote: Billy Green, 2023 NYS Teacher of the year., Registration opens Sep 13th. SUNY Schenectady.
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Event Description

The 40th Fall Conference will showcase innovative lessons, provide networking with fellow science teachers and a place check out the latest resources from our many exhibitors. The conference includes two 50-minute workshop sessions, a keynote speaker, exhibitors, dinner and door prizes.


Featured Presentation

Using Green Chemistry to Implement NYSSLS Based Labs

Lead Teachers Annette Sebuyira and Stefanie Loomis

Session 1 5:00-5:50


In this activity, we are going to capitalize on it being Halloween season and sticking with the conference theme of scary. These green labs have been tweaked so as to include a storyline. That has a link to forensics and a murder mystery and poisonous lemonade... Participants will be able to use their investigative skills as chemistry practitioners to explore how to implement the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry through these two fun activities!


This session is designed to empower Educators with green chemistry practices which will aid in acquiring the knowledge, skills and opportunity to engage and collaborate with parents, families and other community members. Educators will learn how to practice more sustainable methods to improve instruction and student achievement in a respectful, trusting and safe environment.


Event Details
  • Who: K-12 Educators,:Elementary, Intermediate, High School Chemistry, General Science, Applied Science, Environmental Science, Engineering, Forensics Etc. 
  • When: October 13th, 2023
  • Where: Schenectady Community College
  • How: Registration here.
Event Format
Event Address

78 Washington Ave
Schenectady, NY
United States

STANYS 2023: The Matter and Energy of STANYS

Dark blue and light blue text with lightbulb and cog graphics. The text reads: The Matter and Energy of STANYS
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Event Description

128th Annual Conference Theme: The Matter and Energy of STANYS

Since the release of the Statewide Strategic Plan for Science, we have made enormous strides implementing best practices shifting towards sensemaking. The materials, lessons, activities, storylines, performance tasks (matter) we have collected and developed over time, through professional learning/sharing, and networking (energy) has transformed our pedagogy.

More general information about the conference is forthcoming. Visit the STANYS official site for registration and updates.


Blue bar with white text. text reads: conference workshop.




Inspiring Students with Sustainable STEM and Green Chemistry

Lead Teachers Stefanie Loomis and Scott Carlson

Time and Date TBD

Are you teaching science and looking to create a safer, more engaging learning environment for your students? Learn how to weave NYSP12SLS suitability content into your classrooms. Participants will learn about the 12 green chemistry principles, as they immerse in hands on activities/labs, which will guide them into safer practices in the lab and classroom. Participants will be introduced to the Green Chemistry Teaching and Learning Community (GCTLC) and the book: Green Chemistry And Sustainable Science – A Green Approach to Sustainable STEM authored by Beyond Benign’s New York Lead Teachers.

Event Format
Event Address

100 E Onondaga St
Syracuse, NY
United States

Observe, Wonder, Think: An Interactive Green Chemistry Webinar

Against a dark blue background patterned with green molecules, a white dialogue bubble contains a blue beaker and multicolor text reading: Observe, Wonder, Think: An Interactive Green Chemistry Webinar
Event Date
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Lead Organizers
Hosting Organization
Beyond Benign, Inc.

Event Description

Calling all K-12 teachers! Create safer, more engaging learning environments by integrating green chemistry and sustainable science principles into your classroom. Join your peers at our monthly professional development series: Observe, Wonder, Think: A Green Chemistry Interactive Webinar Series to learn how! Register to stay in the loop about upcoming speakers.


This year, the monthly Observe, Wonder, Think webinar series will highlight the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry!  Each webinar will focus on 1-2 Green Chemistry Principles. We will bring the focus principles to life with a short, engaging classroom learning activity. Our guest speakers will share how they incorporate the focus principles into their classroom learning activities and labs. Opportunities for discussion will be integrated throughout each webinar.   


This dedicated monthly time is designed to bring the green chemistry community together to advance the field and share ideas and resources for inspiring students through green chemistry!  We encourage you to invite your colleagues and friends to join these virtual discussions. We will provide a certificate of participation at the end of each webinar that may be used for PD hours. 


A long oval button with the text, register now, followed by two green arrows



Chemical Storage, Lab Safety, and Lab Waste

09/21/2023; 6PM EST

Presented by Mr. William McMahon, Lab Technician, State University of New York (SUNY) Jefferson Community College

A white man in a bright green shirt has his hand on someone's shoulder, he is smiling.


Mr. McMahon has spent 20 years running the academic science labs and stockrooms at SUNY Jefferson. He will be presenting on chemical storage, lab waste disposal and lab safety. He will share many of the best practices that Jefferson has adopted to promote safety culture in the science division. He will share materials and devote time to a question & answer session.


More information is forthcoming.