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High School (Secondary School) Teachers

Biennial Conference on Chemistry Education (BCCE)

A wooden barrel is labelled in rugged font: Distilling Solutions for Chemical Education. Biennial Conference for Chemical Education, University of Kentucky, July 28- August 1st 2024. Lexington, KY.
Event Date
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Event Description

The conference will be held on the beautiful campus of University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky in the Summer of 2024. The 28th BCCE, like all of its predecessors, is designed to provide you with opportunities for interacting with chemistry instructors of all levels in formal and informal settings. There will be a mixture of symposia, workshops, poster sessions, exhibits, and tours of chemistry research areas.


Registration for BCCE 2024 is now live. Early bird pricing is available until May 31!  The registration form includes workshops, on-campus housing options, and more.  Those who have submitted abstracts will be notified in April about their submission.


The conference will be organized around four themes - Classroom Practice and Learning Environments, Curriculum and Cognition, Assessment and Research Methods, and Professional Development - within the K-12, two-year college, and university communities.

Instructions for presenters are available.

Titrating Towards Sustainability: A Green Chemistry Approach to Conductometric Analysis

Event Date
Event Type
Additional Host Organizations

Event Description

Join Vernier chemistry experts Dr. Melissa Hill and Nüsret Hisim for a practical conductometric titration experiment that showcases these principles. You'll explore how to use Vernier probes and software to investigate the titration of ammonia with vinegar, an eco-friendly alternative to traditional titrations. This unique approach uses conductivity measurements instead of conventional pH indicators, providing a fresh perspective on the titration process.

Event Format
Event Address

United States

16th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education

The logo shows a beaker with a plant growing inside with an arrow pointing to a molecule, to a book, and back to the beaker as a closed cycle. To the right, text reads ECRICE 2024, 16th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education, Nova School of Science and Technology- Campus da Caparica, Lisbon. September 05-07,2024. Chemical Education for Sustainable Development: Empowering Education Communities.
Event Date
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Event Description

“Dear colleagues,

We are happy to welcome you to the ECRICE 2024, the 16 European Conference on Research in Chemical Education, to be held at NOVA School of Science and Technology, Campus da Caparica, Lisbon, September 5-7, 2024.


This conference on research in chemical education, recognised by EuChemS, is an important event to disseminate new research and developments. It is important to know how learners acquire knowledge, how to facilitate this acquisition and trigger it. It is relevant to examine different learning environments, new educational tools, and new ways in which neuroeducation, technology and artificial intelligence, can be integrated into chemical education, and promote the engagement of students in the learning process. But nowadays this is not enough. It is necessary to do this through the lens of sustainability, having in mind the 17 SDGs. Therefore, ECRICE 24’s theme is “Chemical Education for Sustainable Development: Empowering Education Communities”


The ECRICE24 Committees of this International conference invite all chemistry education researchers and teachers to come to the conference and challenge them to showcase presentations, submit abstracts, and present work, regarding new developments in Chemical Education, through the lens of sustainable goals, and participate in the ECRICE 2024 meeting.


We are looking forward to welcoming you in Lisbon.


Enjoy the conference!




Isabel Ribau, Conference Chair

A. Jorge Parola, Secretary General of the Portuguese Chemical Society

Juaquim Luís Faria, President of the Portuguese Chemical Society"

Green Chemistry & Chemical Stewardship Online Certificate Program

Event Date
Hosting Organization
University of Washington, Seattle

Event Description

This certificate program provides professionals with new tools for incorporating chemical
toxicity and human health considerations into product design, materials selections and supply chain decision-making. The courses focus on sustainability business models and green chemistry principles to prevent and reduce pollution at the source. Program participants may register for all 3 courses at one time, or register at least 2 weeks before the start of each course. During this 3-course program, you will explore:

  • Business drivers and barriers to implementing sustainable practices
  • Frameworks for incorporating chemical toxicity and human health considerations into
    product design, material selections, and supply chain decision-making
  • The 12 guiding principles of green chemistry
  • Environmental, economic, and societal benefits of green chemistry
  • Latest research and regulatory developments in the field
  • New tools for chemical design and methods for comparative chemical hazard

Courses included are detailed below:

3 required courses:

COURSE I: Sustainability, Toxicology, and Human Health 

September 25, 2023 - December 8, 2023 | Cost: $910 | CEUs: 5

Overview of fundamental principles of toxicology, human health, and material science. Participants will review their own business’ sustainability drivers and barriers while investigating the health and environmental hazards that contribute to human disease.

COURSE II: Principles of Green Chemistry 

January 2, 2024 - March 8, 2024 | Cost: $910 | CEUs: 5

Fundamental principles of green chemistry, including the human and ecological reasons for considering less toxic alternatives and the various green applications to chemical design. overview of new tools and cutting edge research for the design of 21st century chemicals that minimize hazards to health and the environment.

COURSE III: Assessment Tools for Safer Chemical Decisions 

March 25, 2024 - May 31, 2024 | Cost: $910 | CEUs: 5

Decision-making tools and methods used for comparative chemical hazard assessments. Participants will have an opportunity to use these tools through the completion of a culminating project.


More information is available through the following website:


logo for green and sustainable chemistry high school workshop with green text next to a large green leaf
Event Date
Event Type
Hosting Organization
NSF Center for Sustainable Polymers

Event Description

The NSF Center for Sustainable Polymers (CSP) in partnership with the Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) and the Minnesota Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) will be offering a FREE three-day workshop at the University of Minnesota for high school chemistry teachers on green and sustainable chemistry. The workshop was developed through the University of Minnesota MRSEC Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program. Applicants from across the Midwest are welcome. 

While applications are now closed for 2024, we encourage interested teachers to visit the website and learn more about the workshop for future years:

Event Format
Event Address

University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States

38th Philippine Chemistry Congress (38PCC) and 2024 International Conference on Chemistry (IC2)

38th Philippine Chemistry Congress (38PCC) and 2024 International Conference on Chemistry (IC2)
Event Date
Annually on the 21st of July at 8:00am
  • -
Lead Organizers
Additional Host Organizations
Integrated Chemists of the Philippines, Kapisanang Kimika ng Pilipinas

Event Description

The Philippine Chemistry Congress is the biggest annual conference of chemists, chemistry educators and chemistry researchers in the Philippines. This brings chemists from academe, industry and government together in one venue to interact, share new knowledge and to collaborate. The 38PCC&2024IC2 will also feature technical exhibitors who will be able to showcase new products that can improve your performance and productivity, create partnerships, and generate new ideas.

Building a Curriculum Development Program for Your Institution: The Piedmont/Ponderosa Model

logo for association for the advancement of sustainability in higher education (AASHE) with letters underneath a swooping multicolored ribbon
Event Date
Event Type
Hosting Organization
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)

Event Description

Are you ready to see your institution move forward to engage faculty and change curriculum toward sustainability issues? This workshop will introduce participants to the Piedmont/Ponderosa model, which has been adopted successfully across the United States and beyond, reaching thousands of professors over two decades.

The Piedmont/Ponderosa model of two-day faculty development workshops has been used by dozens of institutions—large and small, public and private—with resulting faculty enthusiasm and renovated courses. This virtual workshop will provide a history and overview with discussion time on Day 1 and delve more deeply into details of workshop form and function on Day 2. Both days will last 2.5 hours.

Interested faculty leaders will be equipped with the knowledge, materials, and strategies to adapt this “Sustainability Across the Curriculum” model to their own institutions. Activities will explore the pace, timing, funding, staffing, and philosophy behind the unique aspects of the workshop model. Resource materials, interactive breakout room discussions and opportunities for Q&A will be included. Challenges in making the transition to teaching fellow faculty will also be discussed. Participants will be provided with background materials beforehand and will have multiple handouts and guides to support deeper discussion on Day 2.

Participants in this workshop will be eligible to apply to participate in the Global Sustainability Across the Curriculum Program Development Support Group, a longer term program that guides participants through the key steps involved in establishing a successful sustainability across the curriculum program at their institution.

If you are looking for a shorter workshop that is applicable to faculty new to sustainability and the teaching of it, please see Integrating Sustainability Literacy Across Your Curricula — Best Practices.


How to Register

Registration including a breakdown of registration fees is available through the AASHE website. A limited number of scholarships are available to individuals who need financial assistance to participate. Please apply two weeks before the program begins (i.e., 6/01/2023) to be considered for a scholarship for this workshop.


Registration Policies:

  • Registration deadline is Wednesday, June 12, 12:00 p.m. ET.
  • Payment is accepted in the form of Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards.
    If you need to pay by check or ACH, please contact us at least 5 weeks prior to the event start date. Registration using these forms of payment must be received 4 weeks prior to the event start date and full payment must be received by AASHE within 2 weeks of event start date.
  • Cancellation Policy: A 20% processing fee applies to any cancellation prior to June 5, 2023. No refunds will be given after June 3, 2024.
  • No substitutions are allowed.
  • Registered participants will receive access to the recording after the live event.

Review all Terms & Conditions.

Biomimicry Thinking: Innovation inspired by Nature's chemistry

Event Date
Lead Organizers
Hosting Organization
Biomimicry 3.8
Additional Host Organizations

Event Description

On the territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən and W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations of the Pacific Northwest, the trees are deep in conversation and negotiation via mycelial networks. The salmon return to make the stream bed fresh and cool for the next generation, while coastal nurseries provide a place to rest where old meets new and salty meets sweet.

Join us for a week to observe and explore how Nature creates the richness and complexity of life through chemistry. Adventure through the ecotones to learn the ways in which Nature operates at the molecular scale to communicate, assemble/ disassemble, purify, clean, colorize, protect, detect, repair, and a host of other functionalities that parallel those needed in commerce.  

Tune your senses through exploration, experience, and experts to understand the critical ways in which Nature’s chemistry differs from modern commercial chemistries to achieve the same functional end, and how this learning can broaden and benefit your approach to Nature-positive R&D.

The fields of chemistry and biomimicry will converge to explore the profound lessons nature offers for shaping a world characterized by high-performing chemistry strategies and materials that benefit the people and places in which they are made, used, and managed. Sip tea and watch the eelgrass sway while you practice Biomimicry Thinking with Nature’s recipes and methods.


While the content is designed with the non-chemist in mind, chemistry professionals will gain valuable insights into Nature’s life-friendly chemistry principles and hands-on training using the biomimicry research methodology.

Throughout this workshop, our world-renowned biomimicry instructors will teach participants to: 

  • Recognize the roles chemistry plays in the natural world and their relevance to the roles chemistry plays in commerce and industry,
  • Distinguish between biotic and abiotic chemistries in the natural world,
  • Discover the principles underlying Nature’s elegant and sophisticated life-friendly chemistries,
  • Understand the principles underlying Nature’s multifunctional, life-friendly chemistry-based materials,
  • Use Biomimicry Thinking tools to abstract chemistry design principles and deep patterns from specific, function-based natural strategies, and
  • Apply Biomimicry Thinking tools to solve a chemistry-related challenge.

This workshop is open to professional and university-level participants from all backgrounds and levels of experience with biomimicry. The agenda is designed for:

  • Innovators within commercial sectors touched by chemistry, such as chemicals, cosmetics, packaging, textiles, electronics, personal care, medical, and energy, who are interested in bringing Nature’s Chemistry and materials genius to their project work and innovation strategies through Biomimicry Thinking.
  • Innovators without chemistry training who are interested in gaining the knowledge that would allow them to be productive partners alongside professional chemists as they work to bring Nature’s Chemistry and materials genius to their project work and innovation strategies.
  • Sustainability champions who want to be inspired by the natural world at the molecular scale as they work to solve humanity’s toughest sustainability challenges.
  • Educators who want to bring Nature’s Chemistry and materials genius into the classroom.
  • Students enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Biomimicry program with Arizona State University interested in the Biomimicry Specialist Certification. This Immersion Workshop counts as one of two required in-person units. Learn more about the requirements for the Biomimicry Specialist Certification here.

Confronting the Plastic Crisis

title slide for webinar with speaker headshots
Event Date
Event Type
Hosting Organization
NSF Center for Sustainable Polymers

Event Description

Discover the latest addition to the 4-H STEM Curriculum for Grades 9-12: Sustainable Polymers: Confronting the Plastic Crisis. This curriculum was created in partnership with the CSP and is designed to engage youth in understanding and addressing the environmental impacts of plastic waste.

Webinar Details:

#1: May 15, 2024

10am PDT | 11am MDT | 12pm CDT | 1pm EDT

Register at 

#2: May 23, 2024

9am PDT | 10am MDT | 11am CDT | 12pm EDT

Register at 

Workshop: Integrating Sustainability Literacy Across Your Curricula — Best Practices

Event Date
Event Type
Hosting Organization
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)

Event Description

This workshop is focused on equipping faculty across the curricula with best practices for embedding sustainability into their respective courses in a way that is engaging, transformative, and that supports existing course learning objectives. The workshop is based upon lessons learned at The College of Charleston (CofC) in Charleston, SC, where for four years faculty have engaged in a SACSCOC quality enhancement plan reaccreditation project, “Sustainability Literacy as a Bridge to Addressing 21st Century Problems.” This internally funded project is centered upon working with faculty to embed sustainability literacy into existing courses by providing ongoing trainings, workshops, and a year-long faculty cohort who work together on sharing best practices for teaching sustainability in a fall course, and then again in a spring course.

This workshop will present an overview of the project, it’s learning goals and outcomes, and an overview of assessment data (both qualitative and quantitative) from the project. Presenters will then work with those in the audience to:

  • locate existing student learning objectives and help transition them to be sustainability focused
  • dialogue about ways to present sustainability in an interdisciplinary way that also connects to a home discipline via effective sustainability teaching methods
  • brainstorm capacity building opportunities to build faculty coalitions around embedding sustainability throughout the curricula.
Event Format
Event Address

United States