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Berkeley Changemakers: Green Materials Innovation Challenge

title image for Berkeley Changemakers event with event details in yellow and white text on a blue and green background
Event Date
Event Type
Lead Organizers
Hosting Organization(s)
University of California, Berkeley

Event Description

In partnership with Habitable we are thrilled to share this invitation to our undergraduate student-led webinar presentation on safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals found in building insulation. With the support of many partners and collaborators, these students spent the semester learning about green chemistry, hazard assessment, environmental justice impact, chemicals policy, and technical performance metrics in order to create products that are safer for humans and the environment. Come learn from them and celebrate their hard work this semester!

This webinar is free and open to anyone to join. Visit the following Zoom link at the date and time of the event to join:

And use the passcode: CHEM171

Event Format
Event Address

United States

Intended Audience

Confronting the Plastic Crisis

title slide for webinar with speaker headshots
Event Date
Event Type
Hosting Organization(s)
NSF Center for Sustainable Polymers

Event Description

Discover the latest addition to the 4-H STEM Curriculum for Grades 9-12: Sustainable Polymers: Confronting the Plastic Crisis. This curriculum was created in partnership with the CSP and is designed to engage youth in understanding and addressing the environmental impacts of plastic waste.

Webinar Details:

#1: May 15, 2024

10am PDT | 11am MDT | 12pm CDT | 1pm EDT

Register at 

#2: May 23, 2024

9am PDT | 10am MDT | 11am CDT | 12pm EDT

Register at 

Earth Month Photo Contest

Three photos display people of all ages doing chemistry lab experiments and planting a tree. A camera graphic with the globe as a lens sits above text reading: Earth Month Photo Contest, call for entries!
Event Date
Event Type
Hosting Organization(s)
Beyond Benign, Inc.

Event Description

Share your photos for a chance to win $100 and a Beyond Benign t-shirt!

As part of the green chemistry education community, you’re doing amazing things in your classrooms, labs, and communities all the time. We want the world to be able to take a behind-the-scenes look at what makes your green chemistry work exciting and special!

From now until April 24, share your photos for a chance to win $100, a Beyond Benign t-shirt, and a special feature in an upcoming Beyond Benign article and newsletter.

Not sure what to submit? We’re looking for photos of you and your community in action. Show us your classroom working on a green chem project or your peers running experiments in the lab. Think about ways to show our community what it means to be an active part of green chemistry education.

Event Format
Event Address

United States

Intended Audience

Catalysing Change: Bringing sustainable chemistry to your boss

Drawing of two hands exchanging a book, with the time and date of the webinar.
Event Date
Event Type
Hosting Organization(s)
Green Rose Chemistry

Event Description

Join this free webinar from Green Rose Chemistry to learn how you can accelerate change in your organisation by advocating for sustainable chemistry. This webinar is empowering, practical, and completely free. Anyone can create change!


What will you learn?


  • How green chemistry can provide environmental and social benefits 
  • The business value of green chemistry, including market opportunities and risk avoidance
  • Strategies for effectively promoting green chemistry in your workplace with clear examples
  • Case studies of employees successfully bringing about change from within their companies

The webinar will be delivered by Anna Zhenova, CEO & Founder of Green Rose Chemistry and IUK Unlocking Potential Award winner. Anna is a green chemist with a passion for the innovative side of sustainable chemistry. She excels in translating academic expertise to real-world applications, and wants to help you accelerate the transition to more sustainable materials.


Register now and join the green industrial revolution!

Workshop: Integrating Sustainability Literacy Across Your Curricula — Best Practices

Event Date
Event Type
Hosting Organization(s)
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)

Event Description

This workshop is focused on equipping faculty across the curricula with best practices for embedding sustainability into their respective courses in a way that is engaging, transformative, and that supports existing course learning objectives. The workshop is based upon lessons learned at The College of Charleston (CofC) in Charleston, SC, where for four years faculty have engaged in a SACSCOC quality enhancement plan reaccreditation project, “Sustainability Literacy as a Bridge to Addressing 21st Century Problems.” This internally funded project is centered upon working with faculty to embed sustainability literacy into existing courses by providing ongoing trainings, workshops, and a year-long faculty cohort who work together on sharing best practices for teaching sustainability in a fall course, and then again in a spring course.

This workshop will present an overview of the project, it’s learning goals and outcomes, and an overview of assessment data (both qualitative and quantitative) from the project. Presenters will then work with those in the audience to:

  • locate existing student learning objectives and help transition them to be sustainability focused
  • dialogue about ways to present sustainability in an interdisciplinary way that also connects to a home discipline via effective sustainability teaching methods
  • brainstorm capacity building opportunities to build faculty coalitions around embedding sustainability throughout the curricula.
Event Format
Event Address

United States

Sustainable Building Materials: Enhancing Indoor Environments with Biobased Solutions

Join us for our webinar March 26 at 1 pm CDT
Event Date
Event Type
Hosting Organization(s)
Omni Tech International, Ltd

Event Description

Poor indoor air quality poses a significant threat to human health, with various construction products such as paint, furniture, wood flooring and carpets being potential contributors to unhealthy indoor air. These materials often release harmful chemicals into the environment, posing risks to occupants over an extended period after installation. The resultant health issues are diverse and underscore the multifaceted impact on individuals within built environments.


Addressing these risks necessitates a strategic shift towards the utilization of soy and other bio based building materials, which not only enhance indoor air quality but also align with sustainable practices. Biobased materials offer a myriad of advantages, including a reduced carbon footprint, lower volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, and improved performance compared to their petrochemical-based counterparts. Beyond their environmental benefits, these renewable and low-toxicity materials actively contribute to meeting compliance standards, such as the International Green Construction Code and the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED certification system.


ISTC Seminar | Beyond Benign and the Green Chemistry Teaching and Learning Community (GCTLC): Transforming chemistry education for a sustainable future

Two scientists smile at the camera. Jonathon Moir, pictured left, is a white man with a brown beard, wearing a button up shirt and standing against a city scape background. Nimrat Obhi is a person with dark hair and brown skin, wearing a black turtleneck and standing against a white background.
Event Date
Event Type
Lead Organizers

Event Description


Green chemistry is an upstream, preventative approach that can address global sustainability challenges, including fulfilling the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (U.N. SDGs). Green chemistry is not a discrete field of chemistry but rather a framework grounded in twelve principles that teaches chemists to “reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture, and application of chemical products”. Green chemistry can help practising chemists undertake research and product design more efficiently, safely, and with fewer environmental and human health impacts. Currently, green chemistry is not taught ubiquitously in schools and university programs globally, despite being an essential framework. However, the green chemistry educational community has been growing rapidly and its importance is becoming more widely recognized. This is exemplified in the recently updated American Chemical Society (ACS) Guidelines for Bachelor’s Degree Programs, which now require undergraduate students to have a working knowledge of green chemistry and the twelve principles that underpin it upon graduation from an accredited program.

To help schools to achieve these transformations and shift how chemistry is taught, Beyond Benign—a registered 501(c)3 non-profit based in the U.S. —supports educators (including higher education faculty and K-12 teachers) to teach chemistry through the lens of green chemistry. Our programs provide opportunities for peer-to-peer networking and mentorship for educators, access to freely available curriculum resources (including greener lab experiments, lesson plans, modules, and more), access to grants and professional development opportunities, and more. Beyond Benign recently launched the Green Chemistry Teaching and Learning Community (GCTLC) in partnership with the ACS Green Chemistry Institute. The GCTLC is a virtual platform that provides a one-stop shop for all things green chemistry education. Users can search for and find other users and community members from across the world, post questions and share information in forums, search the community events calendar, find green chemistry job opportunities, contribute to the GCTLC’s searchable library of open-access resources, and more.

This presentation will provide an overview of Beyond Benign’s programs and in particular a discussion of the newly launched GCTLC platform. Our approach to creating an inclusive and welcoming space that fosters a sense of belonging will be emphasized. Ultimately, we will discuss how the GCTLC creates opportunities for ongoing engagement through a global community of practice for green chemistry education.


Dr. Jonathon Moir (left) completed his B.Sc.H. at Queen’s University in 2010 (Chemistry, minor in Physics) and his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in 2016 in Inorganic Chemistry where his research focused on the synthesis and development of nanostructured metal oxide semiconductor thin films for photoelectrochemical applications. During his doctoral studies, Jonathon was a founding member of the Green Chemistry Initiative (GCI), a group of graduate students dedicated to promoting green chemistry principles and practices within the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto. In addition to co-leading numerous initiatives, Jonathon redeveloped a third-year undergraduate organic chemistry lab in collaboration with Professor Andy Dicks to include more concepts related to green chemistry, and later attended the ACS Green Chemistry Summer School in 2016. Following graduate school, Jonathon transitioned to the not-for-profit sector, where he has helped manage and support the development of international, interdisciplinary research programs, scientific projects, workshops and symposia as well as a national scholarship program in Canada for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. He is currently the Senior Program Manager at Beyond Benign for the Green Chemistry Teaching and Learning Community (GCTLC) platform and lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Dr. Nimrat Kaur Obhi (right) is from Ottawa, Canada and obtained their HBSc in Biomedical Sciences (Medicinal Chemistry) at the University of Ottawa in 2014. They completed their PhD in chemistry at the University of Toronto in 2020, where their research focused on the synthesis and investigation of carbon-based semiconducting polymers with complex architectures for electronic applications. During this time, Nimrat also completed a Chemistry Teaching Fellowship Award to design and implement a green chemistry course module into an upper-year chemistry course at the University of Toronto. They are committed to justice, equity, and diversity and have worked with local and national teams on advocacy and policy initiatives since 2014. Nimrat joined Beyond Benign as a Higher Education Program Manager in 2021 where their past work includes open-access curriculum development and supporting green chemistry education at Minority Serving Institutions. Currently, Nimrat is a Program Manager for the Green Chemistry Teaching and Learning Community (GCTLC), where they develop community engagement and equity and justice initiatives for the platform.  Nimrat currently lives in Ottawa, Ontario, and outside of work they are an avid skier, cook, outdoor sports enthusiast, swimmer, stationery lover, and bookbinder.

This webinar is a certified green event by the University of Illinois' Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment. 

Event Format
Event Address

United States

Intended Audience

GCTLC Resource Hackathon

A dark green background with gold molecular design sits behind a white rectangle. on the right hand corner, two cartoon people are building an office together. Black and dark green text reads, GCTLC Resource Library Hackathon.
Event Date
Event Type
Lead Organizers
Hosting Organization(s)
Beyond Benign, Inc.

Event Description

Join the Chief Editor of the Green Chemistry Teaching and Learning Community (GCTLC) platform for a GCTLC Resource Hackathon! We’re calling all community members to join us for a virtual get-together to populate and expand the GCTLC’s library of green chemistry curriculum materials and resources.


Bring your favorite resources including:


  • greener lab experiments
  • published journal articles
  • green chemistry textbooks
  • tools (e.g., metrics calculators)
  • websites
  • and more!

Our team members will give you a step-by-step walkthrough of the upload process for submitting to the GCTLC. Don’t have a favorite resource in mind? Fear not! We will provide a list of Beyond Benign resources you can use to help in our library build-out!


We invite you to share this event with your friends and colleagues, the more the merrier!


Happy hacking!


Event Format
Event Address

United States

Intended Audience

MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER COURSE: Sustainable Science: Contextualizing Chemistry Through Safer Hand-On Labs

A square image with rounded edges has a thick yellow border. Two scientists are intently adding liquid into glass lab-ware. The image sits against a bright purple background with abstract yellow shapes. White texts reads: middle and high school teacher course: sustainable science: contextualizing chemistry through safer hands-on labs
Event Date
Lead Organizers
Hosting Organization(s)
Beyond Benign, Inc.

Event Description

If you’re a science teacher looking to create a safer, more engaging learning environment for your students, this is the course for you!


Are you a science teacher looking to create a safer, more engaging learning environment for your students? Learn how to weave Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) sustainability content into your classrooms in this remote learning course for middle school and high school science teachers.

Beyond Benign Lead Teacher Erin Mayer will teach this course through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning. Participants will leave with a toolkit of resources and access to a network of other like-minded educators in the region.

*Discounts available for NY teachers, Environmental Justice Communities and other states with code


•  You’re interested in engaging strategies for NGSS-aligned chemistry labs

•  You want to foster a safe and engaging classroom environment

•  You’re interested in how problem-solving with chemistry helps create solutions for sustainability challenges


•  How to weave NGSS sustainability content into your classroom

•  How to spark student interest and increase self-efficacy in your classroom


•  NGSS aligned labs featuring easily accessible and safe materials

•  Plug and play lessons for physical science in chemistry classrooms

•  Lessons based on real-world innovations


Funding provided by the NYS Pollution Prevention Institute through a grant from the Environmental Fund as administered by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.

Event Format
Event Address

United States

Advanced Green Chemistry: Connections to Our World

A square image with rounded corners is bordered by a thick, lime green line. The image shows two scientists intently watching a reaction occurring within a beaker. The image sits against a teal background with abstract yellow shapes. White text reads: High School Teacher Course: Advanced Green Chemistry: Connections to our World
Event Date
Lead Organizers
Hosting Organization(s)
Beyond Benign, Inc.

Event Description

If you’re looking to expand your students’ horizons and support their project-based learning and invention in the classroom, this is the course for you.


Ready to take green chemistry to the next level in your classroom? Have you already started replacing your labs with safer materials?

Join Beyond Benign Certified Lead Teacher Annette Sebuyira as you expand your knowledge of green chemistry principles and practices by analyzing Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award technologies. In this course, you’ll dive into toxicology for chemistry basics and investigate the pedagogy for effective guidance of student-based research projects and inquiry-based projects.

*Discounts available for NY teachers, Environmental Justice Communities and other states with code


•  You want to support your students’ project-based learning and invention in the classroom

•  You have completed Intro to Green Chemistry and are ready to advance to the next level

•  You are curious about how to foster student


•  How to expand your knowledge of green chemistry principles and practices

•  How to infuse student-driven projects and research into your curriculum

•  How to develop deeper real-world chemistry connections for your students


•  Analyzing Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award technologies

•  Introduction to Toxicology for chemistry basics

•  Integration of science research into your chemistry course

Funding provided by the NYS Pollution Prevention Institute through a grant from the Environmental Fund as administered by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.

Event Format
Event Address

United States